finally found a coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
Right now the pictures are on my cell phone. but I got the solid coop for 20. plus another 20.00 for delivery. I am so excite, the coop is about 4 x4 it has a roost in it, a nesting box. I will need to add a window and put a run/roof around it. The gentleman that I am buying the coop from had 15 chickens in it. But I want only 3-4 chickens . So what kind of fence, wood or metal, what is less expensive?? I will need a gate added to it and some kind of roof. Thoughts or ideas??? I will post a pic of the coop this weekend once it arrives:)
Sounds like a great buy. Chicken wire is not too expensive, but won't keep predators out. I bought 48" hardware cloth (1/2" holes) from and was pleased.

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