Finally found out what the mystery chick is! *Picture Heavy*


16 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
Without going into a lot of detail, I found out who the previous owner is and he told me that she's a mixed game. I don't really know what that means, so can someone give me some info? He said she was hatched February 1st. I can't believe she's that old already! I swear to you that she's not much larger than a parakeet. She is teeny tiny for a chicken! I've been keeping her in a brooder in the house. Now I know why she keeps moving away from the heat lamp. She probably thought I was trying to cook her!

I have many worries and concerns now though. The previous owner said that she may only top 2lbs. How am I supposed to introduce her to my flock? Will they kill her? Should I get another her size so she won't be the only small one?

Here she is (she's with my then 3 1/2 week old EE's in a couple pics):


In my 9 year old daughters hand:




She's getting a bit of tan color on her head now:


She's spoiled rotten and when I put her on my lap, she flaps her wings and climbs up my chest or arm until she gets to my neck. Then she's happy when she gets under my hair:

She is probably an OEGB, old english game bantam. She won't get very big, that's for sure. Most of mine are smaller than my dad's pigeons. I would get another one or two her size and keep them all seperate from the bigger chickens. A standard sized roo can kill a bantam hen trying to breed her.

ETA: It looks like you have all bantams anyway? If so, she should be fine.
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Are EE's bantams? I didn't think they were. She hasn't been with the silkie and polish yet...just the EE's and my other banties. My OEGB's don't pay any attention to her. The EE's are the ones that pick on her, but then again, they seem to boss around my banties.

I'd love to get another one just like her to keep her company, but I don't know where to get one. Also, we don't have any roos (unless our silkie ends up being one).
There ae some EE that are standard and some that are bantam. I totally forgot about the EE chicks in the pic with her!
If you have no roos though, they should all be fine together. It would take a little while for them to adjust, but they should be okay. My tiny OEGB hen is the boss of most of the standards that she is with. You could try going through mypetchicken or at your local feed store to find a friend for her. Any small breed bantam would be fine, dutch, OEGB, jap, they are all about the same size.

btw, she looks like she is probably a red pyle coloring. They start out as pure white and get the reddish or tan feathers on their heads as they get older.
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I would think around 5 months, but they do get a little bigger after that. Mostly it would just be a bit more weight. But I doubt she will get very big. I have a little dutch girl right now that is 5 months old, and her 3 month old BTW jap buddies are bigger than she is. I don't think she will be getting any bigger. Some bantams are just super tiny.
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