Finally in their coop!


Aug 14, 2019
middle Maryland
I received my chicks first week of sept. Finally finished the coop and weather is prime for them to move outside. 70's during the day low 60's at night. No heat in my coop but lots of bedding and their cat crate I use to move them in and out of the house with. Wish me luck. So far they seem happy. Using the ladder cautiously. Spread out and playing like they should. Kids are raking oak leaves from the yard for them as we speak. Any recommendations or suggestions are appreciated.


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For outdoors I recommend using nipple waterers on a bucket. Prop up the bucket on a brick or paver so the drinkers are about at back/shoulders level for them to drink from. You can easily build one of these for less than $15-20. When you add the leaves, be prepared for them to freak out! After a few minutes they'll realize they aren't being eaten and then they'll have lots of fun scratching in the leaves for bugs.
We have nipple waterers and pvc feeders already that I ordered off amazon. Just not in this pic :) hubby is finishing up the final touches. The little feeders actually has grit in it. I do need to run to the pet store and get some cups that I can attach to the back wall to keep them from rolling in it. Savages.
My chicks are still in the brooder , they will be 3 weeks tomorrow, I plan on moving them out to the coop when they turn 4 or 5 weeks, I have 15 of them. And 12 hens, the chicks are starting to out grow the btooder.
I keep my waters up on blocks inside the coop, none out in the run.
Mine are right behind yours. 4 weeks tomorrow. I love your saying above their door!!! We are still working on our coop, but getting close! Our temps are still terrible. 94 yesterday.

What type of chicks do you have?
I couldnt decide on breeds so went for colorfuls. 1 each buff orpington, welsummer, speckled sussex, white cochin, partridge cochin and a gold laced wyandotte. I wish it were still in the 90's here! Our temps dropped overnight. Good news is all but 2 have learned the bedtime routine already and go into the coop on their own. They dont cry when i shut the coop up anymore whew that broke my ❤. If you have an run under your coop like ours I recommend blocking it off when you move them out. Darn buggars kept hiding when I would try to put them to bed. What breeds are your babies?
I couldnt decide on breeds so went for colorfuls. 1 each buff orpington, welsummer, speckled sussex, white cochin, partridge cochin and a gold laced wyandotte. I wish it were still in the 90's here! Our temps dropped overnight. Good news is all but 2 have learned the bedtime routine already and go into the coop on their own. They dont cry when i shut the coop up anymore whew that broke my ❤. If you have an run under your coop like ours I recommend blocking it off when you move them out. Darn buggars kept hiding when I would try to put them to bed. What breeds are your babies?
Aww! You have 2 Cochins! I original had 2 white in my order, but got nervous about starting with 10 chickens and reduced my order to 7 lol. I was also worried about the Cochins and the heat. Now I kinda wish I would have not changed it.
We have 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 barred rocks, 1 gold laced Wyandotte, 1 silver la Ed Wyandotte, and an Easter egger. All are so sweet and spoiled! They love us. My kids are having so much fun. We are getting close with the coop. Next weekend, I think we will be 95% done. Here are some pics.

Could you share your Cochins pictures? How are the Cochins personalities?


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