Finally starting my walk in coop. Want to follow?



6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
I'm getting close to begining my coop and I'll have questions along the way. This is going to be slow going because EVERYONE in this house have varying degrees of back problems, some serious. We may take extended breaks.

This will be made of pallets. I've started by laying out 6 pallets in the area it will be built so I could better explain to the assisting family what I am envisioning.
Here's 2 pictures from 2 angles. These pallets will be the base of the floor measuring approximately 12X8, actually just a couple inches short of those measurements. As long as this is less than 100sqft I don't need a permit.



Uneven ground will be addressed and of course the pallets will be connected and then covered with plywood. 4X4 weatherproof posts like those seen standing will be underneath to keep pallet wood off the ground. Under that I want to run hardware cloth to prevent diggers. My question here is do I need to totally cover the ground underneath plus forming a 2ft wide apron? Can I just install the apron? I will also be enclosing the gap from the ground up to the top of the pallets. I don't want to purchase more hardware cloth than I need.

Here you see the current chain link fence gate into the run. You also see the 4X4 pole in front and the fact that the pallets are positioned against that pole blocking the opening. What you don't see is another pole out of frame to the right.


The plan is to make the pop door in the future pallet wall in that gap between the current fence and the 4X4 pole. There will be a new fence/gate going from the pole you see to the pole you don't see and of course enclosing this area and an apron installed. The current gate seen on the fence will be removed. Chickens will exit via that pop door to enter the run through the permanently open current gate. I hope I've explained this well enough. I came up with this plan so I could avoid removing an entire dog kennel panel with all the current hardware cloth and replacing it with a wood coop wall.

Thoughts on the pallet floor hardware cloth apron, total coverage underneath or perimeter only?
Should I put this in the "my coop" articles section? How would I move it?

I think here is fine while building it.

It can be made into an article once you have all the questions answered.

Most peeps won't see it if it was an article instead of a thread.

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