~ Find your twin! You never know who it is........

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Wow, you're alot like me! I love Avatar and I noticed in your siggie you love Lady Gaga, too!

Hey I kinda am
I REALLY love Avatar and Lady Gaga!
1: What is your favorite color? Answer: colorful!! I don't have a favorite color!
2: What is your favorite breed of chicken? Answer:Ameracauna (I think i spelled it right! lol)
3: What is your favorite animal? Answer:uh...chicken?
4: What is your favorite sport? Answer:Horse riding...and such...
5: What is your favorite modern TV show? Answer:The Office!!!!
6: What is your favorite movie? Answer:The last song....at the moment...
7: What is your favorite activity to do? Answer:paint nails
8: What color is your hair? Answer:Blonde
9. What color are your eyes? Answer:darkkkk green (i love em!!)
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