First 24 hours of Chicken Addiction Resulted in 10 Eggs...


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Its been one full day with the 13 RIR's we brought home yesterday. We have 10 eggs so far! So not bad considering they were moved to new territory. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Oh yeah! Thanks to everyone who has coached this newbie! Cya!
When I get new birds, they usually lay eggs for a day or two -- apparently these are eggs that were already "in the works. Then they usually stop for 5 or 6 days because they're getting used to a new environment. Once they're used to everything in the new place (a week or 10 days) mine usually start to slowly lay regular eggs again.

Just wanted to mention this in case they don't lay for a few days...
* Well, you got enough for 3 omelettes in the meantime!!
(I'm still getting a kick over how BAD the bug bit you, D.!)

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