First 3 eggs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 3, 2013

6 potential layers. At least one layer. 3 eggs in the past 5 days. First egg biggest and lightest. Second egg darker but also white and smaller. 3rd egg dark brown and tiniest. What's going on?
Depending on what breeds you have, I would guess you have at least two layers, the first egg was laid by one, the second and third could have been laid by the same hen. On the poster below they have an example like that second egg on the last row, second from the right. They call them White Banded Eggs and say it is because two eggs come in contact with each other in the shell gland pouch and the first egg gets an extra layer of calcium which causes the white bands
Depending on what breeds you have, I would guess you have at least two layers, the first egg was laid by one, the second and third could have been laid by the same hen. On the poster below they have an example like that second egg on the last row, second from the right. They call them White Banded Eggs and say it is because two eggs come in contact with each other in the shell gland pouch and the first egg gets an extra layer of calcium which causes the white bands
s that makes me feel better. Tomorrow ill expect another egg
Today this afternoon I I got another chocolate egg and bigger. I heard the egg sing lots today. I don't know when the creamy white layer will start again
Glad it seems like everybody is OK. Hope the rest of your girls start laying soon.

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