First baby chicks questions


Feb 14, 2018
Thank you everyone, for being my chick support group. I have 9 chicks that are 5 days old. I had 10, but Pippi died the second night, which I hope wasn't my fault. I dipped her butt in warm water to loosen and clean the pastiness on her butt and warmed her with a towel and put her back in the brooder, where she became lethargic and died that night. I did this with 2 others and they are fine. So here are my questions:
  1. A few of my chicks have diarrhea. What is ratio of Apple Cider Vinegar to water that would help this?
  2. They don't seem interested in yogurt, how can I get them to eat it?
  3. They are terrified when I pick them up, even though I warm my hands first under the heat lamp and hold my hand down low for a minute and scoop them from the side. How can I make them feel safer so that I can care for them?
  4. Is it too early to introduce a clod of dirt and grass? I don't have any chick grit, so does that make dirt and grass unsafe?
I just want them to all to live and be happy.
Congratulations on becoming a chick mom!!

I usually introduce a sod of grass around 1-2 weeks. This is the age when they really start to build their immune systems. Sooner would probably be ok as mother hen takes her chicks outside at a few days old. I do add grit around this time too but they should get some from the soil. My chicks never seem to like yogurt either, but my adult hens absolutely lovely it. I don’t have any tips there though, perhaps it’s an acquired taste that comes with age lol!
Hi there! My name is Kim. I'm going to pick my first ever chicks tonight! I'm so happy I've found your site! I've been reading all I can to learn how to be a good chick mom. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I want to be able to handle my chicks, and let my 4 yr old granddaughter hold them. Any breed friendlier than another? Thanks. Have a Blessed Day‼️
Thank you everyone, for being my chick support group. I have 9 chicks that are 5 days old. I had 10, but Pippi died the second night, which I hope wasn't my fault. I dipped her butt in warm water to loosen and clean the pastiness on her butt and warmed her with a towel and put her back in the brooder, where she became lethargic and died that night. I did this with 2 others and they are fine. So here are my questions:
  1. A few of my chicks have diarrhea. What is ratio of Apple Cider Vinegar to water that would help this?
  2. They don't seem interested in yogurt, how can I get them to eat it?
  3. They are terrified when I pick them up, even though I warm my hands first under the heat lamp and hold my hand down low for a minute and scoop them from the side. How can I make them feel safer so that I can care for them?
  4. Is it too early to introduce a clod of dirt and grass? I don't have any chick grit, so does that make dirt and grass unsafe?
I just want them to all to live and be happy.

Please post photos of their diarrhea. What are you feeding them? It's normal for them to be terrified of you. Chicks are prey animals. They see you as a huge predator. No, it's not too early for them to be getting a clump of sod. I put a clump about 6" diameter (for your flock size) in the coop, placing it upside down on top of the bedding. They will get: beneficial bacteria and fungi, insects, seeds, maybe a worm, minerals, first greens, grit, practice scratching for their grub, first dust bath, infinite play value, and the very important exposure to the cocci and other pathogens in your soil. this exposure should start within the first 2 weeks and continue every week until they have access to an outdoor run.

Other benefit to help with diarrhea: Fermented feed. Read the FF FAQ in my signature line. If you have not yet given them Poultry Nutri Drench, they would also benefit from that.
Please post photos of their diarrhea. What are you feeding them? It's normal for them to be terrified of you. Chicks are prey animals. They see you as a huge predator. No, it's not too early for them to be getting a clump of sod. I put a clump about 6" diameter (for your flock size) in the coop, placing it upside down on top of the bedding. They will get: beneficial bacteria and fungi, insects, seeds, maybe a worm, minerals, first greens, grit, practice scratching for their grub, first dust bath, infinite play value, and the very important exposure to the cocci and other pathogens in your soil. this exposure should start within the first 2 weeks and continue every week until they have access to an outdoor run.

Other benefit to help with diarrhea: Fermented feed. Read the FF FAQ in my signature line. If you have not yet given them Poultry Nutri Drench, they would also benefit from that.
Thank you! I have been interested in fermented feed because I am into saving money! I will check out your link. I am feeding them "Farmer's Best" Chick starter crumbles I got from our feed store and "Chick Boost" probiotics in one waterer and I have fresh water in the other waterer. I haven't added apple cider vinegar in that one because I don't know how much to add. I will try to get pix of their diarrhea. Now that I took the paper towels out and they are on shavings, it is harder to see.

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