First broody...I'm worried


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 18, 2011
I have an EE cross who's tried to be broody 4 times (there's dedication) with me kicking her off the nest and this time I'm not taking her off the nest. She has 6 eggs, barnyard mix, as she is a small (but aggressive) hen. But I'm worried about her health and what I'll do with the chicks if they DO hatch (She wouldn't move to another nest that isn't where every hen wants to lay. I moved most of the others to an alternate hutch) and of course I'm afraid my other chickens that I couldn't move will hurt the chicks. I'm worrying far in advance (she went broody on Saturday) but I can't not worry because she's my favorite hen.

Breathe.... She will be fine and will protect her brood. She will get off the nest about one per day. If she doesnt kick her off the nest to get her to eat. I have to do that sometimes with my silkie. After she she is finished caring for them Im sure you can post an ad on craigslist.
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She will be fine. Be sure she gets off the nest, so she doesn't starve herself and to take a dust bath. This helps keep her healthy and partially vibrant. She will lose lots of weight, and will likely lose some feathers later in the incubation process. Don't fret and let nature run it's course!!

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