What all do I need to do for my broody girl? The other chickens are disturbing her and I have thee coop split in half where I can heard all the chickens in one half of the coop and lock the door. And how many days until the babies hatch?
Here's the momma bear. Not sure on what breed she is, shes smallish but very leggy.
Also bald on the belly assuming shes broody been sitting in that nest since Monday! I put dates one the eggs all laid today finally going to let her be a momma seems she works hard on laying eggs. Also not laying she puffs the skin under her beak out like a frog and fluffs up when I come near.
Here's the momma bear. Not sure on what breed she is, shes smallish but very leggy.
Also bald on the belly assuming shes broody been sitting in that nest since Monday! I put dates one the eggs all laid today finally going to let her be a momma seems she works hard on laying eggs. Also not laying she puffs the skin under her beak out like a frog and fluffs up when I come near.