First chicks hatched!!


Oct 2, 2021
I am using the farm innovators 2250 and today is day 20 and I had 3 chicks hatch so far today more coming! When and how do I take them out? How do I do it without killing the others? And when?
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Hi! Are they chicken chicks? If they are they can stay in the incubator at least until they are dry and fluffed up.
I don't like chicks pooping in my incubator so I don't like them to stay in there for days, which you can do but they will be happier in the brooder.
When you take the chicks out, do it quickly. I put mine in a little bucket I keep by my incubator. Then refill your water containers, grab the shells out and close everything back up.
Hi! Are they chicken chicks? If they are they can stay in the incubator at least until they are dry and fluffed up.
I don't like chicks pooping in my incubator so I don't like them to stay in there for days, which you can do but they will be happier in the brooder.
When you take the chicks out, do it quickly. I put mine in a little bucket I keep by my incubator. Then refill your water containers, grab the shells out and close everything back up.
Okay, I also read somewhere that you can put in a wet paper towel when you take chicks out?!?
Okay. Thank you! How do I take the chicks and the empty egg shells out fast enough to not hurt or kill the others?

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