First Cull, Didn't go so well

I’m so sorry you had that happen. I had to cull my first hen couple moths ago, and it was really hard. I used the broomstick method, but I didn’t step on the broom hard enough at first (because I didn’t want it to hurt her) and that was a mistake. Her head pulled through it and I had to chase her around the yard to catch her to try again.

I’m dreading the day I have to do it again. I had another hen who was sick and near the end. Instead of culling her, I ended up advertising her on the a local chicken group and found someone who wanted to try and heal her. It worked out well for both of us. She got a free hen, I didn’t have to cull a chicken.
It is awful when it doesn't work, sorry about your first girl. I am happy it worked out for your other hen
Please don't read this if it's too hard, I am going to be honest and it may be too graphic to some readers.
Tonight my husband and I had to make the decision to cull my sick hen. Opal was my favorite hen, raised from a chick, she was such a good girl, a sweetheart.
I have done research since owning hens, knowing some day there may be an emergency, and I wanted a little knowledge about culling methods sitting in my brain just incase.
I felt cervical dislocation, one of the more humaine choices for us.
Tonight, before the act, we watched videos, practiced on our arms, and read articles. We felt it would be fast.
It didn't work out that way 😭
Poor sweet Opal, My husband tried, he pulled as instructed but her head wouldn't dislocate! He tried a few more times, I think Opal went unconscious a few times, but she didn't die!
We were horrified but had to continue, we were too far into this. I tried, I couldn't feel the crack or dislocation like they said I would.
We laid her down, and thought she was dead, but I could see her breathing! OMG! What does it take to do this? We were following the directions but couldn't get it done!
I grabbed a broom stick, laid her on her belly and tons my husband to pull her body. Wings started flapping, he said he felt the pop,.
I couldn't help to feel terrified that she was still alive, but she was gone.
I NEVER want to do this again! I can't stop crying. I know her suffering is done now, but my goodness, this was not a quick peaceful death that I was hoping for her.
I feel absolutely horrible! My poor sweet little girl. 😭😭😭😭
I don't know what I will do now if another emergency arises. I can't figure out what we did so wrong.
I'm sorry but I had to get this off my chest, all I can see is her little face, 😭View attachment 2242400
I’m so sorry this didn’t go well! We had a not the best first cull too! Again I’m so very sorry! :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
Culling is by far the worst part of owning chickens,or any animal... what I think is the best way is to shoot them with a .22 8n the head... they literally never now a thing... not even a moment of pain.... but if you live in the city and cant shoot or dont have any guns I dunno....
I live in the suburbs, so I couldn't do that, but I am sure it ends the suffering quickly.
:hugs My day sounds almost exactly like yours! My little Easter Egger was in a bad way and I wanted to take care of it myself. My husband offered to but I felt it was time for me to own up to it. I watched videos and read articles, I almost tried the broomstick but I used my pellet gun. I will do that again. It's the first time I've ever killed anything and I feel wretched. I'm so sorry you had such a traumatic experience!
Thank you, I am so sorry about your EE.
So sorry to hear about that. :hugs My first cull, I also tried doing a cervical dislocation on a hen that had been attacked by a hawk, but I just couldn't get the angle right, or pull correctly, because I couldn't get it to "pop." As hubby wasn't home from work to help, and because I didn't want her to keep suffering, I instead got a branch cutter and snapped her neck that way.

Absolutely not how I wanted things to go but I try to remind myself that I did the right thing by ending it as quick as I possibly could for her.
That was the issue we were having, I couldn't get that pop. I wish I had a backup handy like a branch cutter.
You didn't do anything wrong.

I was taught how to do the broomstick method by an experienced teacher and my first few didn't work out textbook perfect. There is a learning curve on everything.

The flapping is the worst part, but I tolerate it better now because I realized that the stronger the flap the better the severing of the spinal cord was.
Thank you, I was relieved when I seen the flapping, I didn't know that.
Please don't read this if it's too hard, I am going to be honest and it may be too graphic to some readers.
Tonight my husband and I had to make the decision to cull my sick hen. Opal was my favorite hen, raised from a chick, she was such a good girl, a sweetheart.
I have done research since owning hens, knowing some day there may be an emergency, and I wanted a little knowledge about culling methods sitting in my brain just incase.
I felt cervical dislocation, one of the more humaine choices for us.
Tonight, before the act, we watched videos, practiced on our arms, and read articles. We felt it would be fast.
It didn't work out that way 😭
Poor sweet Opal, My husband tried, he pulled as instructed but her head wouldn't dislocate! He tried a few more times, I think Opal went unconscious a few times, but she didn't die!
We were horrified but had to continue, we were too far into this. I tried, I couldn't feel the crack or dislocation like they said I would.
We laid her down, and thought she was dead, but I could see her breathing! OMG! What does it take to do this? We were following the directions but couldn't get it done!
I grabbed a broom stick, laid her on her belly and tons my husband to pull her body. Wings started flapping, he said he felt the pop,.
I couldn't help to feel terrified that she was still alive, but she was gone.
I NEVER want to do this again! I can't stop crying. I know her suffering is done now, but my goodness, this was not a quick peaceful death that I was hoping for her.
I feel absolutely horrible! My poor sweet little girl. 😭😭😭😭
I don't know what I will do now if another emergency arises. I can't figure out what we did so wrong.
I'm sorry but I had to get this off my chest, all I can see is her little face, 😭View attachment 2242400

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