First egg! I WATCHED it!


14 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Salt Lake City / Sugarhood
Finally, my first egg!

This morning, I noticed that someone had been in the nest box this morning. I spent some more time in the coop, and noticed something was up. So, I decided to stay and see would happen. I got to watch my 27-week Barred Rock pullet, Liz, lay her first egg (my first egg, too). It took her about an hour from the time she was seriously interested in being in the nest box, until the egg came out and things settled down in the coop.

Brown with white speckles, medium-sized egg, 1.9 oz, 2 5/16" long. January 5, 2009, 1:09 pm

The other gals were pretty interested in what was going on (never having seen or done this before), but they stayed out of the way. My EE also started squatting today. She and my RIR are 28 weeks old now. Liz and Sam, my 2 BR, are both 27 weeks.

Here's an 8 minute movie of the first egg, including the laying moment.

Thanks to all of you, I knew what was happening!
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Waaaaay back in 1990 or so, I saw the first egg from my first hens, two Leghorns, arrive! I didn't want to disturb her, so I sat in a lawn chair across the yard and watched thru binoculars! Neighbors thought I was just as weird as they had suspected. Especially when I made Christmas ornaments out of them.

Congratulations on a wonderful event!
That's cool What was I thinking and Ranchhand that you got to see your first eggs, too. It seems like most people just find them "in the morning."

I got to show my dad while the egg was still quite warm, and also showed my next door neighbors. My next door neighbors are very chicken-friendly -- which is good, because their back yard is basically the same as my backyard. I will be gifting some eggs very soon.

Liz has always been the friendliest chicken, and not at all camera shy. She comes over to me when the other ones skitter away - so I thought she would be OK with my being there for her egg.

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