First Egg!!!


11 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Dayton Indiana
We killed our aggressive rooster yesterday and low and behold got our first egg today! Coincidence, or was she emotionally eggbound?! Either way, I'm over the moon.
My buff (duck) finally laid her first egg on the 31st, lol. Im up to five now, im hoping they dont go bad .

My husband killed our aggressive Rooster a few days ago as well. I was hoping to find some eggs soon too. Our Buff Orps are only 18 weeks today, but I can dream.

It's funny, we have another rooster who is bigger than the one that was culled, but he was so shy. He has really come into his own since the other has been gone. He struts around the coop and watches his ladies like a hawk when we come around them. He also crows whenever we come close to the coop. Wonder if that is some kind of a warning call?

Congrats on the egg, I'm jealous.
We just got our chicks this spring. We've got about 40 hens, and have had 1 laying an egg a day for the past week. One day she laid 2. They're bantams--brown eggs. Funny, the first one was about the size of a ping pong ball, but day by day they seem to get bigger!

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