First eggs! Normal?


6 Years
Aug 2, 2013
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and live in Oklahoma. Been getting fresh eggs from a friend for years and finally got chicks this spring. Have several breeds (Reds, Polish, Silkie, Houdan, Cochin, etc) some standard, some bantam. Reds are just now 4 months old and got our first eggs 2 days ago! So thrilled and so excited. But......scrambled them up and they taste like chicken? The ones I got from my friend never did but these taste just like chicken meat? Any ideas or tips would be great. They are fed a 16% crumble with occasional frozen fruit treats. They are in the coop all night and turned out on grass in fenced yard all day. I am so in love with them :) They are wonderful!
Maybe it's the feed they are eating. I think birds at point of lay and beyond should be on layer feed which gives them calcium. Just wondering if you were blindfolded and had a fresh hen's egg and one from the grocery store- if you could tell which was which.
I agree that a feed switch is in my future. That's the first thing I thought of but couldn't find anything online about eggs actually tasting like chicken lol. I could REALLY tell, to the point I didn't eat more than 2 bites. It was strong? There's worse things they could taste like I guess :)
Thanks Happy Houdan! I've seen your screen name before when I was browsing and actually think of your name rooster is a Houdan called Boudan the Houdan ! I LOVE him, he's the coolest!
Welcome.!! Mine just layed her first egg today. She's been on layer fees for the past 3 weeks... i dont know how it tastes yet. I want my lil 5 yrold to get home to see it first before we cook it up lol.ill fill ya in.
Welcome.!! Mine just layed her first egg today. She's been on layer fees for the past 3 weeks... i dont know how it tastes yet. I want my lil 5 yrold to get home to see it first before we cook it up lol.ill fill ya in.

Yes Channyx904, please keep me posted. I got some new feed yesterday and added some cracked corn to their diet too. Hopefully that will help! Thanks everyone for the hellos and welcome messages! Very glad to be a member!

Does anyone think it's possible that the egg could've had that "chicken" taste because it wasn't fresh? I know they don't have to be refrigerated but it's been over 100 here lately and two of the eggs (we cooked 3 that night) were found in the smaller coop that I hadn't been checking regularly (younger chickens stay in there at night but they all free range in the daytime with the coop doors open).

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