First flock in Des Moines, IA


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
My name is Bri and I am a first time chicken owner. I have a little urban brood of 5 and so far I am looooving it! My husband and I live in the city, but we still want to be self-sufficient so a kitchen garden is going in the front and eggs are going in the back (we are vegetarian.) We have a silver and a buff laced Polish and 3 silkies and we are buds! I sit with them in their coop and they all run to me and pile on my lap. I call it the cuddle puddle
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

How adorable!! I have a bunch of lap chickens as well. They all fight and argue on who gets to sit closest to mommy. I need a stop watch so that each chicken gets their turn.....NEXT!!! Ha!

Enjoy your lovely birds and welcome to our flock!
What a beautiful flock, all you need now is a show girl. I guess love puddles are okay but, I hope they don't leave you any love poo poos
You have to keep a towel handy. Glad you joined the flock.
Welcome to BYC, Bri. Glad you decided to join our flock. Your Polish are beautiful. I used to raise Golden Polish and they were delightful birds; beautiful and friendly. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with the cuddle puddle. :eek:)
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