First Flock


In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
Hello BYC,

My husband and I and our 2 boys have started our first flock. We live in SC and have a wonderful dog Lee who is actually our first child, :). We got our 5 little bantam chicks at TSC chick days. Although we have wanted this for a long time, these guys were actually my husbands impulse buy instead of the mower belt he went in for, lol. Our 5 Bantams are now 4 & 1/2 weeks old.

Joined BYC to meet like minded people and get some great advice for caring for my little ones, since we have not done this before.
I am also interested in self sufficiency and homesteading. I would also love to learn how to start canning and food preserving.

Thanks in advance for all your going to help us with!

Welcome to BYC. Click on 'The Learning Center' located at the top of the page. For specific questions just post in the forum that seems most appropriate - someone will try to help you. Good luck with your flock.
Thank you, I may have lots of questions for you BantanFan4Life, lol. These little guys scare the crap out of me sometimes( I think they're dead alot lol and they're not).
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Nice intro! Raising chicks can seem quite scary but don't worry, we are here to help in any ways we can. Like stated above, feel free to ask any questions you may have. Have you checked out our learning center yet? Tons of helpful info there!

Best of luck with your family, flock and homestead.
If they get the chance to dustbathe - they aren't having seizures, they are enjoying themselves to the hilt. Chicks often fall asleep in the oddest poses. Keep calm and trust in Backyard chickens.

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