First Incubation - Hatching Calculations


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Thorn Hill, TN
We just finished our first incubator hatch over the weekend. I highly recommend the Hovabator Genesis 1588.

Now I'm looking at the various calculations.

We originally set 41 eggs. We tossed 3 clears on day 10. That gives a fertility rate of 92.7%.

36 of the 38 eggs hatched. That gives a hatch rate of 94.7%.

Overall, 36 of 41 eggs set hatched giving 87.8%.

I'm happy with those numbers and will take them for any incubation.

Please feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes in my calculations.
I think your calculations look good, however, I do not count the infertile/clear eggs against my average. I don't know how others do it, but either way, for your first hatching those are great numbers. My first hatch was 88% .
I don't include the clears either, they would have never hatched anyway, but I do count red rings because they started to grow

Great hatch for the first time, mine was 2 out of 40
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