First night of integration done

We had a setback last night. The babies went to bed and a couple mins later they came shooting out of the coop like they were on fire. I was like whaaaaat? I thought oh no there is something in the coop! I grabbed my boots and my broom ready for battle. Then I saw Rose the terror hen in the coop doorway. Oh NO she didn't! As soon as she saw me and the broom she (and everyone else) ran. It took me a few mins to get them rounded back up and into the run. I made Rose stay out until all the babies and the girls were roosted up. I was going to make her stay outside for the night but I didn't want to wake up to a pile of white feathers that used to be Rose.
Never a dull moment with chickens.
I can just see Rose, all pumped up, fluffed up, and looking just terrifying starring down at the quivering babies. The babies crying like little damsels in distress. Then, the sudden carfuful of you running screeching, broom in hand. Little Rose suddenly seeing her life flash before her eyes. Then running as fast as she can to save her little feathered bum.

The turnaround is very dramatic.


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