First pallet coop?!

Sweet providence looks fantastic!! How many pallets wide/long will your coop be? Is it just 1 wide, 3 long? I can't wait to continue to watch the progress! :) thanks for sharing
Sweet providence looks fantastic!! How many pallets wide/long will your coop be? Is it just 1 wide, 3 long? I can't wait to continue to watch the progress! :) thanks for sharing

Yes, 1 wide and 3 1/2 long. We worked all day on Saturday but it doesn't look like.

Thanks to and the forums I came up with this. I was able to get my hands on some shipping crates and pallets for free. Had left over materials from the deck and screws. Spents few bucks on wire and hinges. but for the most part all recycled. First coop project and turned out pretty slick. I am curios if to small for 5 chickens ( I have 5 RIR's )?? And I am using a watering nipple system and was wondering how high off floor to place it, from pics i seen about 12-14 inches seems average??

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