First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!


You need to toughen up and just do it! I am getting tired of all these pardons. Yesterday some guy on here even pardoned a turkey! What is becoming of these farmers?

(said with tongue placed firmly in cheek)

BTW Morrigan, when you start talking about a small sub perch, the decision has already been made. You just do not realize it yet....hahahahhaha

Actually I think next year ,if I buy any CX's and do not just raise frogs, I will buy all roosters just to keep the size more consistent. Or maybe all hens because they grow slower and a CX hen is just so luvable.

BTW LINDA,,, I have been without internet for 18 hours. I set up my IPhone personal network and am tethered to my phone now. I hate not having internet. Without internet I might be forced to visit or talk to people in real life,,,YUCK!

That is something I rarely do and makes me very uncomfortable. I prefer chickens to people.

PS. I just took my 10lbs 15 ounce CX out of the freezer to thaw. We are having chicken and ham for thanksgiving day, beings someone here did not process a turkey. BUT I told my wife we would have bought a 10-12 lb turkey anyways, so no one will even notice it is not a turkey.
It'll be better than turkey anyways.
My computer is still going in and out. AND I don't have a IPhone. sigh.

Okay, kiddos, I think I scr*wed up big time. When I got my Cobb 500's, they were getting fed a trickle at a time for several times a day. I've been socking it to them with fermented feed 2 x daily. In 10 days, it looks like they have gained over a lb or more. They have turned into regular CX's now. Except I'll have to can them because of 14 mo old. Getting one or two or four eggs a day. Eight hens and a rooster. And I don't think they are allowing him to do anything pertaining to their body.
But man are they happy. Run to overpower me to get to the food. This is after the lady at the hatchery telling me that they are quiet and will run from you. HAH!!!
I was told this was how to tell, and it seemed to be true when I began examining my eggs after I got my rooster. As first there were no white patches as the new boy was basically running for his life, then more and more as Duke worked his way up the pecking order. Now all the eggs seem to have them. But, I really don't know for sure, I guess. I may just have been seeing what I wanted to see, lol.

Yep, so far my rooster is not fertilizing the eggs. hummmmm. What's he good for?
I am sure you are all dying to know what I was up to last night...

That's right, a folding table, plastic tablecloth, and chicken in my living room! My husband decided the chicken had to be butchered last night (even though it was 30 degrees with 30 mph winds). So, look what happened inside instead of out. The chickens were actually freezing as we were trying to cut, I had to bring the operation inside.
Why not in the kitchen, you may ask? Well, we live in a quaint little farmhouse. My kitchen is really lacking in the counter space arena.

The yield was great though! We had over 50 lbs of meat! The thighs, legs, and wings were all bone in, skin on. The breasts boneless, skinless.
The cost per bird came out to $6.50, and with most birds being around 6-7 lbs, that sure seems like an awesome conversion!

Anyhow, just wanted to brag

On our layer front, we have 2 gals currently going through molt. One just finishing (man was she scraggly for a while!) and one just starting. Yesterday it looked like there was a pillow fight in the coop. Feathers. Everywhere.
Hopefully she molts quickly and isn't half naked for the next cold snap!
My frog parents are sure different than my DP/layers. It has dropped 18 degrees since this morning when I let them outside. I just went out to check on the chickens.

The frog mommys and daddy are outside scratching at some grain and corn I threw on the ground for them. I went into the DP coop and they are all on their roosts and trying to huddle against the cold and wind.

The only DP outside was Rick. Rick was walking away from the coop. Last night I had to force Rick into the coop. I put him through the chicken door. When I went in the human door he left the coop for the covered run. Rick spent the night in the run.

This evening I picked up Rick and carried him into the coop. Rick complained because I picked him up. My roosters do not like to be carried, they think it is beneath them to be subject to us mere humans. I carried Rick through the human door and set him on the nest boxes roof. As soon as I brought Rick in Brutus started protesting and making some racket. I then reached out and petted and scratched Brutus. He protested further, he hates being fondled even less than Rick does.

Rick jumped to the ground and immediately mated with my little white rock pullet. Brutus protested this but did not attack Rick. I watched to make sure Rick was not too violent. It was over fairy quickly. The pullet then got up and I thought Rick might jump her again. He did not, instead the white rock starting picking something off the peck and head of Rick. It looked almost lovingly. I decided the white rock was not too upset over the mating.

Now my question after the set up. Is it possible for Brutus and Rick to have a falling out? Brutus is the head rooster and Rick has always been his best bud. Now it appears like they are not happy with each other. Can Brutus be ticked off because Rick has a girlfriend ?

I have 35 pullets and 4 roosters in the coop. Is the ratio of boys to girls the problem? I do not have any pullets being harassed or beaten.

AND>> I found an egg on the floor/ground. Dang lazy EE could not even jump into a nest. I had to throw the egg out. It was frozen and cracked.

I bet Brutus feels his pecking order is being questioned. And I bet he is picking on Rick.
I really have no idea what ratio of hen to rooster is correct, but I do think the new girlfriend is the issue.
I have stepped in a time or two when one of my hens is overly bossy and mean. They seem to know I am ultimately at the top, and knock it off.
I bet Brutus feels his pecking order is being questioned. And I bet he is picking on Rick.
I really have no idea what ratio of hen to rooster is correct, but I do think the new girlfriend is the issue.
I have stepped in a time or two when one of my hens is overly bossy and mean. They seem to know I am ultimately at the top, and knock it off.

I knew a woman was to blame somehow!!!!!

(ducking and running away fast)

Chickens are so strange. I just came from the coop again, picking afternoon eggs, which coincides with chicken petting hour. My little ICU baby, I know a weird name for a chicken, was on the roosts above the nests. I petted her a few minutes, she walks away when I pet her as if to say "do not pet me". When she gets arms length away she turns around and comes back as if to say, " why did you stop petting me?"

I was waiting around talking to the chickens waiting for one of my black Australorps to get done with her business and get out of the nest. She took her sweet time! I gave up waiting for her and left the coop. Before I did I reached up to scratch one of the Red Sex link hens sitting on the top roost......

Do you know what she did?


Well, maybe not bit, but that was only because she has no teeth! I am guessing she did not want to be scratched or petted.

I have a barred rock that was raised with the Delaware by Ethel the turkey. I cannot get them out from under my feet. I am afraid I am going to step on them with my big ugly cold weather boots. They hang out with the turkeys every chance they get. When the turkeys come to the steps to get me and escort me to the sheds, these two are right with them.

For only having 17 brain cells these birds sure develop weird and differing personalities. BTW today the Frog parents are hiding in their igloo.....weird.
I knew a woman was to blame somehow!!!!!

(ducking and running away fast)

Chickens are so strange. I just came from the coop again, picking afternoon eggs, which coincides with chicken petting hour. My little ICU baby, I know a weird name for a chicken, was on the roosts above the nests. I petted her a few minutes, she walks away when I pet her as if to say "do not pet me". When she gets arms length away she turns around and comes back as if to say, " why did you stop petting me?"

I was waiting around talking to the chickens waiting for one of my black Australorps to get done with her business and get out of the nest. She took her sweet time! I gave up waiting for her and left the coop. Before I did I reached up to scratch one of the Red Sex link hens sitting on the top roost......

Do you know what she did?


Well, maybe not bit, but that was only because she has no teeth! I am guessing she did not want to be scratched or petted.

I have a barred rock that was raised with the Delaware by Ethel the turkey. I cannot get them out from under my feet. I am afraid I am going to step on them with my big ugly cold weather boots. They hang out with the turkeys every chance they get. When the turkeys come to the steps to get me and escort me to the sheds, these two are right with them.

For only having 17 brain cells these birds sure develop weird and differing personalities. BTW today the Frog parents are hiding in their igloo.....weird.

Chickens totally have funny personalities!

My Dixie Rainbow (who happens to be white and really looks like a CX) LOOOOVES to be pet and scratched. She seeks it out. She preens herself as you scratch her. She will follow you if you didn't scratch her enough.

All the rest of the gals seem to tolerate me petting them, except for my Black Laced Red Wyandotte. She will move away. She has snapped a couple of times. She will follow me around the yard all day, sit at my feet, but won't let me mess up her feathers.

Pearl seems to really like people though. She was sleeping on my lap on Sunday (I know, I know, softie. She was inside.. because I felt sad for her). She waits by the back door so we will pet her. I don't know if she is just feeling lonely or really likes us. Either way, I like seeing her cute little face on the other side of the glass.
Linda - So the Cobb 500s you got are for egg laying? I'm pretty sure my meatballs were Cobb 500s. If they're anything like mine, you're going to have to restrict their feed for sure! Are you planning on hatching any out?

Mountain Mom - Awesome!
I just thought of something else I like about this thread... It appears everyone here has a general location of where they live in their profile.

I understand the need to be discreet and to worry about security and us perverts on the internet, BUT I really like when I read a thread to see the general area a person is from, it helps give prospective to me off what they are talking about or how they have to raise there birds.

For example, when I read what Linda writes, I know she has to worry about summer heat with her CX's, Whereas that is not normally a problem for me. I have to worry about eagles, she has to worry about alligators.

I wish everyone would give the general info. I know mine is a little more info than most give. BUT I bet you could drive through the whole township here and no find me.

Of course, everyone in the world knows where "super rooster" aka Brutus lives anyways.

BTW Brutus makes it well known through vocal protests he does not like being touched....

And one last random piece of advice. NEVER spill chili on your laptop keyboard...... You will find the Q,X and Z keys do not always work when pressed.
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I knew a woman was to blame somehow!!!!! (ducking and running away fast) Chickens are so strange. I just came from the coop again, picking afternoon eggs, which coincides with chicken petting hour. My little ICU baby, I know a weird name for a chicken, was on the roosts above the nests. I petted her a few minutes, she walks away when I pet her as if to say "do not pet me". When she gets arms length away she turns around and comes back as if to say, " why did you stop petting me?" I was waiting around talking to the chickens waiting for one of my black Australorps to get done with her business and get out of the nest. She took her sweet time! I gave up waiting for her and left the coop. Before I did I reached up to scratch one of the Red Sex link hens sitting on the top roost...... Do you know what she did?

Well, maybe not bit, but that was only because she has no teeth! I am guessing she did not want to be scratched or petted. I have a barred rock that was raised with the Delaware by Ethel the turkey. I cannot get them out from under my feet. I am afraid I am going to step on them with my big ugly cold weather boots. They hang out with the turkeys every chance they get. When the turkeys come to the steps to get me and escort me to the sheds, these two are right with them. For only having 17 brain cells these birds sure develop weird and differing personalities. BTW today the Frog parents are hiding in their igloo.....weird.
If your barred rock bites anymore you can pick them up and hold their beak closed for a few seconds and put them back down.....look up aggressive roosters in the learning center and you'll see more of what I'm talking about. Always like to help
If your barred rock bites anymore you can pick them up and hold their beak closed for a few seconds and put them back down.....look up aggressive roosters in the learning center and you'll see more of what I'm talking about. Always like to help

It was a Red Sex link that bit me. My barred rock is just a juvenile delinquent that refuses to go to the coop an roost at night.

I just came in from letting the chickens out for the day.............. Guess who was out already and greeted me in the yard....

The barred rock!!

She was raised by the Ethel (the turkey hen). She likes to hang with the turkeys instead of the chickens. The Turkeys all roost outside ( Why?? Because they are stoooopid!) at night. I checked the turkeys last night to see if the barred rock was with them, she was not!

We had a dusting of snow last night, I looked for tracks coming out of one of my sheds. 2 sheds have chicken tracks in and out of them. I have no idea where she is spending her nights.

Do you suppose the barred rock would be dumb enough to hide a nest and try to hatch eggs in December or January in Minnesota?

When She greeted me she was all sweet and friendly and waited for me to open the coop door so she could go in and get her mash....... Just like a kid only nice when they want something!

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