First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Jessica, if he wants to try plumbing, it is easy, just keep one rule in mind..... Poop runs downhill.... ( See MM I said it without using the other word!)

I sold Princess Di and the other chick on craigslist today. I called my wife to tell her Princess Di was going to a new home to live at.. I thought she would be happy. She asked "why?"

It was apparent I might have screwed up by selling Princess Di...

Why is it I can never win?
Ralph: My hubby has that part of plumbing down. It's the fixing leaks part that is the problem.

You sold Princess Di? How could you? I thought that was the one your wife liked?
It was, but i did not want to mess with just 2 chicks. She can like another one,
Get her one of her own. Something pretty. Silver laced wyandotte. And then LEAVE it alone. It's no fun bonding with something if DH is gonna sell it.
Get her one of her own. Something pretty. Silver laced wyandotte. And then LEAVE it alone. It's no fun bonding with something if DH is gonna sell it.

That's the nice thing about being on this thread, If my wife is not around to chastise me, there is always another woman willing to step in and do it for her.

I have 7 creamette eggs in the incubator, she can bond with all 7 of them..
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That's the nice thing about being on this thread, If my wife is not around to chastise me, there is always another woman willing to step in and do it for her.

I have 7 creamette eggs in the incubator, she can bond with all 7 of them..
Perfect!!!!! She can have her choice or take all of them.
Ralphie, we love you and want you to feel right at home of this thread. Only thing is, lot's more females to yammer at you. You definitely make our lives happier.
Yammer!!! Wow, You dated yourself with that word, I have not heard that in 50 years!


I should have the "toad" breeding area done today or tomorrow if the weather holds. Bert will be a happy bird. Ed has gotten so mean, I am thinking of moving him to a "time out" area. I am going to build boxes in Berts area for ICU's, Broodys and bad behaving roosters. I am going to start with 3 boxes but I think I will put in 6. Ed is fast earning the right to live in one. He has pulled every tail feather out of Ole! and most out of Bert.

I will not allow that. Ed will learn to behave or have to move on to the next phase, he will not like the next phase.
Why is Ed being so mean?!
Sounds like a good plan for the coop.

I got my Sunbeam XL heating pad! I am excited to brood the meaties outside! They come in a week. I better get moving...
Why is Ed being so mean?!
Sounds like a good plan for the coop.

I got my Sunbeam XL heating pad! I am excited to brood the meaties outside! They come in a week. I better get moving...

I really do not know. I think it is an unintended consequence of my getting rid of nameless. I had always thought/guessed/wanted Ernie to be the head rooster. I think I was wrong, I think it was nameless and with him gone Ed stepped up and not Ernie. It will make no difference, Ed will start serving his sentence soon.

This morning when I went to let Bert out, Ernie was coming from the coop Ed was always living in. I think Ed kicked him out of the main coop. If rehabilitation does not work, as pretty as he is, a roaster would fix the problem..

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