First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Apparently the best way to eat homemade yogurt is to stand in it.

The CX are starting to understand that the kitchen scraps I bring up in the middle of the day are good to eat. I got a kick out of them running around with bits of food doing the "I have something delicious, now stay away!" chirp that promptly alerts all of the other birds that there's something delicious and they should chase the bird that has it.
Apparently the best way to eat homemade yogurt is to stand in it. The CX are starting to understand that the kitchen scraps I bring up in the middle of the day are good to eat. I got a kick out of them running around with bits of food doing the "I have something delicious, now stay away!" chirp that promptly alerts all of the other birds that there's something delicious and they should chase the bird that has it.
Cute! What kind is that, standing outside the yogurt right in front of the two CXs?
Cute! What kind is that, standing outside the yogurt right in front of the two CXs?
Based on the green legs it's one of the EE pullets. The buff blur in the front is either one of my daughter's Buff Orpingtons or LF Buff Cochins. The dark tail behind the CX is one of my barnyard mix pullets, a SS Hamburg x Dark Brahma.
Based on the green legs it's one of the EE pullets. The buff blur in the front is either one of my daughter's Buff Orpingtons or LF Buff Cochins. The dark tail behind the CX is one of my barnyard mix pullets, a SS Hamburg x Dark Brahma.

Nice looking flock you have there. I like having different breeds around, too. I cannot pick just one.
2 of my green eggs under my broody r hatching!!!
Lol... All the others r shaking and cheeping. I set the flashlight on one of the eggs and the beak is poked in the air cell!!
Holm -- How exciting!! Can't wait for more pictures.

OK - I need some major help and would love for some advice. I have two more of my CX doing poorly, just sitting around with limited to no appetite. This morning they were fine, eating at the trough. I went to give them their evening feeding and two didn't come to eat. One, tried to come over but was having trouble walking. I threw a little food to her and she took a couple of pecks, but then lost interest. The other was hanging out under the bushes. When I walked over, she got up and ran away from me. But she didn't want any food and went back to sit under the shelter with her eyes closed. They are 6 weeks old and are two of the smaller chickens. I've already culled (and butchered) two, who I assumed where just suffering from weak hearts. I haven't eat them yet, however.

If they continue to do poorly tomorrow and won't eat, here are my questions:

1. Should I cull them? Has anyone had a "doing poorly" CX recover at 6 weeks?

2. Should I eat them? Everywhere I see people declare they would NEVER eat a sick animal, but I hate to simply throw them away, particularly is they are just suffering from weak hearts or weak legs.

My thought was that if everything looked pink and healthy when we butchered it, it was probably just a weak chicken and OK to eat. But I don't want to be stupid and put me and my family at risk.


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