First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

How many hens can one rooster handle? If Bert leaves us, I would have Ed in with Bert's left over gals (3).
Ernie would get 2 BA hens and 3 BSL hens for a total of five. Can Ole take on and handle 22 gals? Remember he is the horndog of the flock. He spends his day stalking and trying to grab girls. (If he was a person, he would be doing time or be a registered sex offender)
My little sex offenders are in lockup til I get aprons made for all the girls. How long does it take before they stop being SO agressive with the girls? Really, someone ought to teach them about foreplay - this lowering the wings and running after the hens like a linebacker - not cool. And they jumped my poor little MALE Mistral Gris 8 week old birds - one was in shock for about 1/2 hour, I worried he would die from the shock. They gang up 2 at a time and both go for the head. Yuk!

I dont know what's wrong with him. Now that I look at it I don't think it's unabsorbed yoke sack. It just isn't doing good
It doesn't sound good, I'm sad to say. It may be his intestines hanging out a bit - I had one like that and had to euthanize the poor little guy. Is he whimpering/ crying? If he's in pain, then it would be a kindness to put him out of his misery.

Holm they are adorable!!!

I am not sure if I should continue to incubate. If I give them to Sparrow, I would be worried she would abandon the nest. Clyde ruined it for me. Also, not sure if going from the bator to a hen is good or not. I really just don't know what to do.

Anyone have experience with this? Turkeytruff?! Aren't you an addicted hatcher?
MM, I would definitely leave them in the bator. Especially if these are valuable eggs to you- you'll be kicking yourself if she abandons the nest. What I do now is incubate, watch how deep of a fugue state the broody is in, and put one under her at night and wait to hear if she starts making those lovely deep throaty noises to the chicks. ANY pecking at them, I take them straight back. I had a bad experience last year with a broody who killed 2 chicks overnights and mortally wounded another 2. Horrible, she seemed to take them at first. On much reflection and reading, I came to the conclusion that she was not in a deep enough broody state and still saw them as 'foreign' to her. I sit in the dark in the henhouse for 1/2 hour after I have put them under her, and wait. When they peep, does she make the right noises? Is she irritable, pecking at herself when they move around underneath her? You have 3-6 days to get them under a broody. Best if you do it around night 2 in my humble opinion. By then you know they are eating and drinking but they still really want to snuggle under and attach to a 'mommy'.

Morrigan, I got my CX's from Hoover Hatchery in Rudd, Iowa. I am very happy with the ones they gave me. If you are interested. They mailed mine on a Wednesday from Rudd and they even included 3-4 packing peanuts. I am going to buy from them again, even if there is avian flu in Iowa, I bet they wil be tested before being sent out.. when you process a 6 week bird versus a 10 week bird there is a huge difference, even though store birds are 3-4 lbs.

Speaking of CX's from Hoover hatchery, Bert is looking better, his comb is bright red again. He fought us for the first time since we started wrapping his foot. The swelling in the pad of the foot has come way down. There is still a large lump on the outside toe. His spunkiness is a good sign. even the DW says she notices his poop is harder and better formed. There is no wheezing...

He kept wanting to flap his wings and fly away life he swore at us the entire time we had him locked in my arms. He is so much more animated. I am feeling hopeful again. He will be going back on a regular diet tomorrow. He has been eating bird seed, peanuts and nigel thistle seed because I wanted to limit protein while he was sick. I hope it is warm enough to move him outside tomorrow.
SO happy to hear Bert is improving and swearing in chicken at you - YAY!

You are a braver person than me if you get birds from the hatchery at the moment. We are all battening down the hatches and being VERY VERY careful about quarantine. I have a closed flock, and meet people in town to sell my eggs or day old chicks.
here's my broody with some of the 6 chicks. I did 'poopy butt' duty today and momma freaked out at me. Nothing like having your babies probed by aliens....
Thank you all!!

I am at peace with deciding not to put the eggs under Sparrow. Finally. I have a friend who worked with chickens for a long time who was telling me to do it, and I was just so torn with leaving town and not being positive my DH will keep an eye on things as well as I do. Yes, I do everything better...
But part of me was telling me it was a bad idea.

Turkeytruff- your broody and babies are so cute! And what on earth is going on with your roo's?! Man, they sound pretty aggressive.
Thank you all!!

I am at peace with deciding not to put the eggs under Sparrow. Finally. I have a friend who worked with chickens for a long time who was telling me to do it, and I was just so torn with leaving town and not being positive my DH will keep an eye on things as well as I do. Yes, I do everything better...
But part of me was telling me it was a bad idea.

Turkeytruff- your broody and babies are so cute! And what on earth is going on with your roo's?! Man, they sound pretty aggressive.

A good choice!

My broody pullet has abandoned the nest, She is no where to be found. I opened the door to the kennel this morning. I figured if she was broody she would stick around. She did not. I will check the eggs later and see what they look like, in case she comes back. It is 29 degrees outside now so she better come back fast.

She was just so haphazard with her sitting on the eggs. She started well but seemed to lose interest after a couple weeks.
Hi Holm, and You All, (Hey! I am a Virginian, after all, you all!) Note: "You All" is singular! So what is the plural? "All You All"…)
There is a condition called, Failure to Thrive. And this to me is one of those catch all phrases into which bucket goes many conditions of which we have no understanding. No matter what we do: isolation therapy, vitamins, TLC, minerals in the drinking water, etc., nothing seems to work and they succumb anyhow. Then there are those conditions for which we have no way to account and these are said to be idiopathic. Could it be that failure to thrive is idiopathic too?
Neal, the Zooman

P.S. If you don't understand what I just said to all you all, please explain it to me because I don't get it either and I just wrote the danged thing.

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