First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!


Lazy chickens! Can't even leave the feeder to lay!!
My slow walking, then non-walking CX rooster went to freezer camp today. At least he dressed out at 3 3/4 lbs which is a decent size. That makes 6 "early birds." I have 18 left, and everyone left either ran or walked across the yard this afternoon for their fodder treat. I'm crossing my fingers I can get the rest through at least 10 more days.

I've been wracking my brain for why this flock has had so many more leg problems then my last CX batch. One thing I thought of last night was that I didn't put any vitamin supplements in their water this time when they were young. Also, when I had my last batch, our garden was just finishing up, so I was throwing them a lot of squash and tomatoes as their mid-day treat, whereas now I'm giving them wheat and barley sprouts. Maybe its a vitamin deficiency?

In other news, we need to buy another freezer. We decided to buy 1/4th share of a cow from a local rancher, who free ranges all his herd on grass from beginning to end. They never see a feed lot. He then sends it to a butcher who cuts it all up for us. We just picked it up yesterday and now have 125 lbs of beef in our existing freezer. We had a burger last night with it, and it was really, really good.
My fear with processing a previously dead bird, is multifold. 1) cannot be sure how long it was dead. 2) If the bird is not opened up and cooled down/ bled out the meat can begin to spoil 3) You can never be sure what it died from 4) I am squeamish about a mouse or other animal chewing on the dead bird and giving me a "bug" or virus 5) It just does not sound appealing to me, it would be akin to eating roadkill Now the things you need are simple: Axe/hatchet knife really hot water in big pan/bucket Liquid courage I heat shrink or vacuum pack the carcasses then place them in a cold fridge for a few days to rest. Liquid courage comes in many forms. I had never heard of DK;s choice of poison, so I looked it up on . A great site for anything you want to try and make... It looks hard to make, in that you need to let the mixture set for a LOOOOOONG time before adding the vodka, I am not sure how many bottles I would have to buy to be assured of having one make it as long as the mixture is setting. I could handle the 20 minutes to mix and 20 minutes to cook it, BUT 21 days and 40 minutes to age,,,,NO WAY..
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[COLOR=FB6400]Limoncello[/COLOR] [/TD] [TD]

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[TR] [COLOR=FB6400] [TD]Rated:[/TD][/COLOR] [TD]
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[COLOR=FB6400]Submitted By:[/COLOR] Michele O'Sullivan
[COLOR=FB6400]Photo By:[/COLOR] margomery
[TR] [TD] [COLOR=FB6400]Prep Time:[/COLOR] 20 Minutes [COLOR=FB6400]Cook Time:[/COLOR] 20 Minutes [/TD]
[COLOR=FB6400]Ready In:[/COLOR] 21 Days 40 Minutes
[COLOR=FB6400]Servings:[/COLOR] 34
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"Truly distinguished ice cold refreshing drink! Lemon zest is steeped in vodka for a week, then mixed with simple syrup and aged for 2 more weeks."
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10 lemon
1 liter vodka
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3 cups white sugar
4 cups water
[/TD] [/TR]
1.Zest the lemons, and place zest into a large glass bottle or jar. Pour in vodka. Cover loosely and let infuse for one week at room temperature.
2.After one week, combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil. DO NOT STIR. Boil for 15 minutes. Allow syrup to cool to room temperature.
3.Stir vodka mixture into syrup. Strain into glass bottles, and seal each bottle with a cork. Let mixture age for 2 weeks at room temperature.
4.Place bottled liqueur into the freezer. When icy cold, serve in chilled vodka glasses or shot glasses.
2015[/TD] [TD]Printed from 4/23/2015[/TD] [/TR]
I don't know about this, Ralph. It sounds delish to me. You would have to start another one every few days to stay ahead of the game.
Dear Abby:

I am truly blessed today, I assume it is because I live an honest forthright lifestyle. Which leads me to my problem. I actually have few  questions for you.

Today I gathered eggs, I have 3 turkey hens and I got 3 turkey eggs, I have never eaten a turkey egg as I consider them a blessing. I got a double jumbo turkey egg today, I assume it is a double yolk, I think it would be wrong to try and hatch it.

I have 2 Cream legbar hens that lay diamond encrusted eggs worth around $1500 a piece, truly a miracle, I m blessed.

Even more blessed is my beloved Guinea Hens. They have "dug" a nest in the sand and wood chips under the nest box, I got 5 guinea hen eggs out of it today, I have always prayed to know if I have 4 or 5 guinea hens out of my 9. Now I know.  Surely this shows how blessed I am.

This afternoon miraculously while my DW was at work a new incubator showed up in our dining room. It looks just like my old one that has disappeared somehow, except this one has a fan and egg turner in it.  When I first saw it there I put 2 thermometer in it to see if it works, and behold  it works!  and holds the temperature very tight between 99.7 and 99. on each end of the incubator.

And if this is not enough, It appears it is time to take Berts dressing off his foot as he is trying to walk and the dressing is hindering him, I may even move him outside tomorrow...

Now I find all these things to be signs of my good and humble lifestyle. The problem is my wife. She does not believe in miracles as much as I do....

So here are my questions:

Should I tell her about the new incubator that just showed up, chances are she will not notice it at least for a few days, at which time I can say, it has always been here?

If you think I should tell her, is it better to wait until Monday  so I might have a more blessed weekend?

Should I offer her the double yolk turkey egg and tell her how much we would enjoy it if she made me an omelet out of it?

Thanks you:

Vice President of  Chickens Anonymous Central Minnesota chapter. 

Ralph, you are truly so full of it. Bahahahaha. She is gonna catch you.

Love you Jessica
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I don't know about this, Ralph. It sounds delish to me. You would have to start another one every few days to stay ahead of the game.

I make ginger beer every week to stay ahead. It takes about 1-3 weeks to mature and we have had 3 explosions so far. We put them down in the basement near the boiler. After the last explosion my DH now degasses them just a little each morning. Crazy maybe but its definitely worth the wait. Far better stuff than what you can buy in the store.
4 fuzzies in the Bator apparently! On a ferry back to the island now-can't wait to get home!
good luck on your hatch Dandelioness!

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