First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I put my toads, turkeys and creamettes into the tractor today I put in 2 weeks worth of hatches, a miserable rate of hatch., 20 birds for 2 hatches.

The youngest into the tractor were hatched Saturday. I tried to bond a broody EE to them, I failed miserably. Oh Well. I have a heat light in the brooder part of the tractor. I have it on a water heater thermostat. I was surprised it does not hold a more constant temp, it comes on at 96 and goes off at 110. Which while high is just fine for an outdoor box. The chicks will move away from the heat as needed.

The toads are so active for 5 day od chicks, they were outside chasing the 2 week od turkeys, drinking water and scratching.
I put my toads, turkeys and creamettes into the tractor today I put in 2 weeks worth of hatches, a miserable rate of hatch., 20 birds for 2 hatches.

The youngest into the tractor were hatched Saturday.   I tried to bond a broody EE to them, I failed miserably. Oh Well. I have a heat light in the brooder part of the tractor. I have it on a water heater thermostat. I was surprised it does not hold a more constant temp, it comes on at 96 and goes off at 110. Which while high is just fine for an outdoor box.  The chicks will move away from the heat  as needed.

The toads are so active for 5  day od chicks, they were outside chasing the 2 week od turkeys, drinking water and scratching.

That's fantastic Ralph. My babies are still in the store room. I need to get then out.
I put my toads, turkeys and creamettes into the tractor today I put in 2 weeks worth of hatches, a miserable rate of hatch., 20 birds for 2 hatches.

The youngest into the tractor were hatched Saturday.   I tried to bond a broody EE to them, I failed miserably. Oh Well. I have a heat light in the brooder part of the tractor. I have it on a water heater thermostat. I was surprised it does not hold a more constant temp, it comes on at 96 and goes off at 110. Which while high is just fine for an outdoor box.  The chicks will move away from the heat  as needed.

The toads are so active for 5  day od chicks, they were outside chasing the 2 week od turkeys, drinking water and scratching.

That's good to hear. Didnt you know million dollar chickens r to good for the great outdoors?!
That's good to hear. Didnt you know million dollar chickens r to good for the great outdoors?!

I sure thought about that, but the tractor is fairy secure, I give it a B.

I am not sure what I wi do when they get older, I ike to free range, but diamond encrusted creamettes are a little costly for something to munch on,
I put my toads, turkeys and creamettes into the tractor today I put in 2 weeks worth of hatches, a miserable rate of hatch., 20 birds for 2 hatches.

The youngest into the tractor were hatched Saturday.   I tried to bond a broody EE to them, I failed miserably. Oh Well. I have a heat light in the brooder part of the tractor. I have it on a water heater thermostat. I was surprised it does not hold a more constant temp, it comes on at 96 and goes off at 110. Which while high is just fine for an outdoor box.  The chicks will move away from the heat  as needed.

The toads are so active for 5  day od chicks, they were outside chasing the 2 week od turkeys, drinking water and scratching.

You have anymore pics on these (Toads)? I'm interested in how they grow out.
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I am too, they seemed extremely hardy and active today, I will post more pictures as they grow.

I placed another order of 25 CX and 10 freedom Rangers, on top of my bator full of bresse eggs. So here shortly I will have bresse, freedoms, and CX running around. We will see how this venture works out lol.
Thanks for the advice Jessica and TT, I think the sailor of a broody *may* be on the road to recovery. I put her in the wire crate. Elevated the crate... man, did that cause some serious chicken swears.
And today I am going to hose her a little since it will be warm.
My hubs accused me of war crimes.
Before, when I had her in the crate, I would make her leave a couple times each day, then put her back in. I think she thought of it as a nest still. So I let her out because it didn't seem to be working. Guess the letting her out was the issue.
Morrigan- Maybe you can have my broody. She is a mean one, fighting for completely nonexistent eggs.

The meatballs are doing great! I am going to build a little addition to their coop today. I think they need a 3 sided, open air type, shade and roosting area.
Once the weather actually gets warm, I think their other coop will be a bit on the hot side and I don't want them sleeping out in the open completely unprotected. That is begging for an owl.
I also need to put some straw down... the mud is out of control. We usually don't have rain every day, but such has been the weather the last 2 weeks.

The other day I was out waging war on the thistle in our "yard". I had the turkey babies out with me. I kid you not, they followed me everywhere I went. They must have walked a mile! When they got into tall grass and couldn't see me, *beep*beep*beep*! It was so dang adorable.
All 3 have a different call. And all 3 come running when I say, "over here".
Banshee, the blue or lavender (whatever he is) has bonded to Turkey Dinner. Those 2 are inseparable. AAANNNNDDD...
My DH has had his heart stolen by Turkey Dinner. He informed me last night that there is no way he is going to eat him/her. Guess we are having a Ralph sized CX for Thanksgiving this year!
MM now you understand how JJ goes on walks with us and the dogs...

Last night we watched the toads play, and sipped on a Mike's. JJ came over to talk to my DW. She reaches out to pet him and he takes a half step away, to show everyone he is not some petting zoo bird, then leans up against her legs as she scratches and rubs his neck and back.. Silly birds.

Did I tell you all, I am converting to chicken drinking cups on 30 gallon barrels? They are so much neater, less spillage and I only have to fill them every 4-5 days!
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