First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Hello Linda,
I'm so glad that the therapy sessions are done. I agonized from time to time just imagining your plight. To be sure your's was much more agonizing than that brought on by my imaginings. And according to your recitations I got away with murder with respect to my knee surgery. Again, as I said before, I wished that there had been a way for you to share my outcome rather than the rough route you had to travel. Anyhow, it is mostly over and I'm glad for you; and from what I read there were many who sympathized and empathized with you.
Stay well and comfortable good spirit, you are a joy to read and an inspiration.
Neal, the Zooman
Thank you all.. I have processed my own roosters and drakes before, and it's always super hard and I cry.

I am about to start crying now.

Yay Linda!! Onto chicken math madness, you have a lot of catching up to do ;)

And I think one of my bresse pullets has lice, she is acting not herself today and her bum is very dirty. Should I bathe her first, then dust her? & everyone else? With garden dust?? Remember, I have beehives now :)
Thank you all.. I have processed my own roosters and drakes before, and it's always super hard and I cry.

I am about to start crying now.

Yay Linda!! Onto chicken math madness, you have a lot of catching up to do ;)

And I think one of my bresse pullets has lice, she is acting not herself today and her bum is very dirty. Should I bathe her first, then dust her? & everyone else? With garden dust?? Remember, I have beehives now :)

Thanks, honey. I'm gonna start with a bang. 21 six day olds and 30+ in the 'bator. I have two of my white rocks with dirty butts. They are a year old. First I'm going to give them a good soak in a tub of water with ACV. Let them soak a good while. After drying I'll spray them under their wings and on the vent with mite and lice spray. If you want to do it natural style, you have to mix wood ash to the dirt for their dust baths. I'm still a newbie at this so it may be vent gleet
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I touched something and subscribed to about 3,000 threads. Then I had to unsubscribe to them one at a time.

I am hoping I have my best threads left, I have no idea if I do, If you see me on a thread and I am not there for a few days, PLEASE tell me so I can re-subscribed.
Ralphie- you almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose!!

I gotta go get bourbon today.. tomorrow is the day.

I was thinking.. after the chicken swap I would process them.. but now thinking.. maybe in the morning? Or should I wait until evening?
Ralphie- you almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose!!

I gotta go get bourbon today.. tomorrow is the day.

I was thinking.. after the chicken swap I would process them.. but now thinking.. maybe in the morning? Or should I wait until evening?

I vote for morning!

Get it over with fast, It gives you more time to soak your sorrow at your loss.
Linda- So glad you are back!! And with a bang to be sure! Keep taking care of that knee so you are up to your usual gator wrestling antics in no time.

I have been drinking the stiff beverages poured in your honor... I hope you are done with pain meds soon. I fear I am becoming a lush. I think I have seen Ralph sneak a couple of them too...

Jessica- I think you are right. I was shooting myself in the foot with letting her out of jail. When we used the crate for our dog, we always told him to "go to jail". I need to remember that!

Morrigan- I couldn't have said it better. I think that is exactly how most of us here cope. Holm may have a stiff Shirley Temple at the end of his day, though.
Have you brought home any adorable turkeys yet?!

DK- I sure hope you went to the medicine store! If not, be there at 10 when the doors open this morning! You will need a couple to ease your anxiety tonight so you can sleep. I like a hot toddy when I need to sleep.
Best of luck tomorrow.

Ralph- How on earth did you manage that? I am sure it was easy... I always have something go wrong when I am on this website. My cursor moves all around and clicks on things on its own when I am on BYC. No other site, just this one. It is weird.
On the turkey walks topic, they followed me around all day yesterday too. I am secretly excited for the day they are big enough to walk around the "block" with us! Mind you, our "block" is about a mile around and up and down mountainous terrain.
There are some kids down the road that walk their goats. I laugh every single time I see them.

I finally got around to taking a pic of a normal Pearl egg.

I have no idea why it is sideways. Sometimes BYC does that to my pics. Anyhow, the darkest and largest is Dixie (my Dixie Rainbow). Her eggs don't even fit into a "jumbo" size carton. It won't close. They are about turkey egg sized, just differently shaped, more round obviously. The lightest is Pearl. Almost as big as Dixie, hers fit into a "jumbo" carton perfectly. The other was from a Speckled Sussex. Fit into a regular old "large" egg carton.
I should have put in a silkie egg too. They are so cute.
Ok.. so first thing in the morning? ? That is a bit early to begin drinking lol and then deal with people at the chicken swap.

I just had to break up another fight between my muscovy drakes. They are in separate pens, but live to fight with each other. I think my drake Truffle drove off my runner drake Izzy last week.

After the muscovies that are broody on eggs hatch their eggs, all my adult muscovy have a new home waiting for them.

I am keeping the runner ducks for eggs (2 lay blue eggs) & raising up a dozen of my muscovy for freezer camp. I plan on keeping back a trio again to provide me with duck meat next year.

This weekend I will be moving the bresse off the turkey/runner duck eggs and moving Becky the muscovy on them along with some chicken eggs.

I am taking my 2nd and 3rd hatches to the swap tomorrow to get them sexed, keep the pullets and trade the roos towards more meat chickens or turkeys.

We are buying that abandoned property next to us late this fall :) can you say.. chicken math?
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