First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

she is 8 weeks old. Is this a better pic
Hmmm, Red Nugget, it looks like a little meat bird, but has more feathers than I would expect.

I'm loving the CX egg pictures -- thanks for posting.

I have a lot of chicken news today. First, the hen I thought was egg bound, passed a fairly normal looking dropping and showed interest in food again, so I returned her to the flock. She's had a couple of the down spells in past, before perking up again. I'm going to keep my eye on her, but I'm feeling more optimistic. Jessica, I did check for mites/lice but saw no sign of them.

Then, my husband saw the weasel! It was running from the woods towards our chicken coop. By the time he left the house, however, it was already running away. We're pretty sure he got shocked on the fence, so I'm scoring one point for us.

We also decided to put off the meatball processing until Sunday or Monday. The birds all look great, so we might as well let them get a little bigger. Nothing to do with how handsome they are, or how much we are enjoying them, of course.

Finally, I found my on again, off again broody in the coop sitting on a hoarded pile of 5 eggs and a golf ball that was left over from last time I thought she might be broody. She must have gathered them up herself, as the lower boxes were all empty. I thought, what the heck. I removed the golf ball and slipped 5 more eggs under her that were in the upper nest boxes. I hope she's settled down now. My rooster is thrilled, he's sitting in front of her purring like a cat. I'm trying not to get too excited. Even if she sticks with it, she didn't have great luck with her hatch rate last year (she was 2 for 10). All I can do is cross my fingers now.
That is why I asked those other questions, it looks too big to be leghorn, I am wondering if it is a Cornish rock (white rock)

With my lack of expertise, this is my guess.
Cornish cross about 1 to 1-1/2lbs and 3 weeks old with exceptional feathering for a meat bird... Any other guesses?

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