First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Fire ant. Lol my nearest " neighbor " is probably 250 ft away on the other side of TWO Fences and a deep drainage ditch. When I bought my land and moved here 20yrs ago I didn't have ANY NEIGHBORS.
You're not doing bad on the questions.   You are scoring high on the ones you got, Flip flops and socks are a formal wear.

I went and got my feed for my CX's today.  I hate to argue with the feed store guy. I asked what the lowest protein content starter/grower he had was.

He told me 15%, then asked if that was for broilers.  When I told him they were for CX's he went apepoop on me ( whew Just missed another warning letter there, I almost said the bad word).

He told me you can't raise CX's on 15% protein.   I told him I can and  I have. 

He told me it would cause leg problems.

I told him "No actually it prevents them".

Then I  told him I just lost my 11 month old rooster last Sunday and I had lots of babies from him.    I had to explain withholding feed and free ranging of the CX's.

I told him I process them at 13 weeks, and get 8-13 lbs dressed. birds. I think he thought I was lying.

Anyways I got my first batch of feed. 22% for first few days just to give them a start.

Then 18% for 2 bags  then to the 15% for the rest the time.  

I do not think 50 pounds of 22%  is going to last 70 birds more than 3 days.  If it does I will dilute it down.

It looks like camp day will be about October 7th.  I am going to try and keep a better track on the feed costs.

I also picked up enough lumber to make a 16x8 ft run to put on  the other side of the brooder. I will have 2 4x4 brooders connect with a light in each and 2 runs of 16x8 to get them ready for free ranging. I hope to have them outside on the 17th and free ranging some by the 25th.

Full free ranging will be a week later.  I will pick out those  that avoid camp later.
Ralphie I feel the pain NOW that you're in for. Lol Im building A 12 x 16 ft right now. It's almost killed me. And.... I have been known to wear socks and flip flops. All my socks ARE BLACK. Ive also been known to wear my boots with shorts
Have you lost any?

I am shooting for camping day having 63 birds (90% survival).  Finger crossed..

I ordered 20, got 21. They will be 10 weeks on July 21st. Freezer day. Haven't lost a one. 22% geed twice a day. I've been both lucky and unlucky with weather. Lots of rain so cooler weather. Just getting warmer now. Just waiting to find one down.
I'm racing the clock building my coop. My 31 birds ship from Macmurray on monday. My goslings have outgrown the brooder,and there were only six. My coop will have a 4 x 16 brooder built into it. Can't wait for my chicks to get here!!!
Ahh! Kippy, you are catching up....or back tracking. Hahaha!

Socks and sandals are one thing but Ralphie is a socks and flips flops kinda guy. Although, we love him anyway.

You probably have learned we don't really need an excuse to enjoy an adult beverage and take it from me, don't EVER tell anyone the exact number of chickens you have. It could bite you in the hind side. You can trust nobody. Besides who can count them? They are running about so fast. I could be within legal limits but they are here....and then there....and then over there. I can't keep up.

I started at the beginning and read almost everything. Thank you for starting the thread! It's a fun read and educational too! And addictive. I never thought I'd want to raise meat birds lol We have 10 kids at home and people always tease us that we need a cow. We don't have room and they are a lot of work plus if you only have one it's probably not very cost effective. I want a pig but I was afraid the kids would get attached. Chickens just seem like a better fit.

I'm quite fond of Ralphie too. I caught up with the thread the day before Bert died. So sad! Sorry Ralphie! Our weather up here is a lot like Ralphie's. I need to build a coop for cold weather.

When the kids finally went to bed we finally got to enjoy watching the chicks. They are so fun.
Forgot I need a scale to keep track of my birds weight gains and feed consumption
Yes, get a scale! It is super awesome to track their weights. I suggest finding one of the old style and not a digital one. I bought a digi-one and started to get weird readings. I went to a used store and found the old kitchen ones with the dial that can weigh to 25#. It worked way better!

Kippy-Awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed all of our experiences, advice and shenanigans. I adore raising meat birds and will definitely do it again when things calm down around here. The egg biz has really made time, energy and money tight since we are building as we go. With my 75-odd-something-however many, new pullets starting to lay we will finally be getting somewhere.

Anyway, feel free to post questions, experiences and comments here as we all enjoy sharing our wealth of knowledge and engaging wit here.
Day 10...HOLY CRAP do these birds grow....twice the size of the egg layer chicks....have 9 of the 11, 3 are smaller sized, (hens ?) A 6X9 tractor is in the works.

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