First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

The only time I've had hawk issues was when I had quail. The hawk would drink from chickens water font when it could get past roosters. It never bothered the chicks
The quail on the other hsnd didn't make it a week
The hawks that got mine were the kestrels. Those falcon like b.. oh wow ,... I almost said it......

Otherwise it has been eagles that get mine. I wish they would open season on them again, they are so tasty roasted in a garlic/sage sauce.

They do not have the fishy taste an Osprey has....

And that should earn me a visit from a few federal agencies if the NSA or Homeland security is doing there job...
Homeland doesn't pay attention to bird nuts Ralph.I did get a call from the feds when I ACCIDENTALLY breached a fed web site trying to track down my old Sergeant Major. I had his Command Hall picture hanging on my wall. The man was like a dad to me. His SSN was on the back of the picture. After an 18 pack I decided to try and locacate him. I got into a site that went bat sh** crazy with unauthorized and federal warnings. I got ofthe dial up. My phone immediately rang. It was THEM.Had to explain who I was wgat I was doing and HOW I done it. Being snookered is probably the only reason they didn't arrest me. I got plenty of threats though lol
So we have been working feverishly and our SECOND mobile chicken tractor unit thingy is now out on pasture.

Now to put up the electric fence and get the girls moved to their new home. I can feel the pain and exhaustion already!
Jessica - you have a knack for photography, and I love your new chicken home!

I haven't had hawk or eagle or owl problems yet....course, I only have layers right now and I usually only let them out when I'm also out. I've had a buck touch noses with one of my girls, and a drake wander in and flirt, only to be chased off by Red Chicken (twice)...

My neighbor didn't want to fishnet or completely cover her run, so she used finshing line attached to 4 tall poles around the area she let's them range outside, and made a spiderwebby like topper (it's not even that dense) and that keeps them out. Even the crows don't try to get in through that, because they know they'll not be able to get back out.
Jessica - you have a knack for photography, and I love your new chicken home!

I haven't had hawk or eagle or owl problems yet....course, I only have layers right now and I usually only let them out when I'm also out. I've had a buck touch noses with one of my girls, and a drake wander in and flirt, only to be chased off by Red Chicken (twice)...

My neighbor didn't want to fishnet or completely cover her run, so she used finshing line attached to 4 tall poles around the area she let's them range outside, and made a spiderwebby like topper (it's not even that dense) and that keeps them out. Even the crows don't try to get in through that, because they know they'll not be able to get back out.

Haha! I never considered myself having a knack for photography. Plus I took it with my basic cell phone and it was getting dark. I just prayed something would show up. The sky was beautiful!

We've had one hawk attack. We saved her though and she is fine to this day. Now we have so many chickens I don't think the hawk can pin down a target. Lol!
Ok,are spur bumps common on the cx females or is Trixie gonna be Tritan or maybe Tristan
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