First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

So just a question are cx extra supseptable to cocci? I let my chicks out all 50 and now the 26 cx are dropping like flys I think its cossi when I get a chance I'm gonna buy some corid 9.6 can I/ should I treat all the remaining cx? Just FYI the other chicks are a bit older ruffly two months old I believe and the cx are closer to 3 weeks to a month but none had gone outside till like four to five days ago
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So just a question are cx extra supseptable to cocci? I let my chicks out all 50 and now the 26 cx are dropping like flys I think its cossi when I get a chance I'm gonna buy some corid 9.6 can I/ should I treat all the remaining cx? Just FYI the other chicks are a bit older ruffly two months old I believe and the cx are closer to 3 weeks to a month but none had gone outside till like four to five days ago
I think CX are susceptible to everything. Some don't agree with me but I always feed medicated feed the week before and the week of my birds touching the ground to help boost their immunities. My only group that I did not do that with was my current one that became affected with cocci and I lost 40 of them. I had raised at least 400-500 birds using the med feed with no problems.

You need to rush to the store and get Corid because if you wait and it is coccidosis, you can potentially lose your whole flock within 24-48 hours. It strikes hard and fast. I had a pullet affected with it seizure and die in my arms between the time I found her in the pen, picked her up and went in the house to syringe her medicine.
I don't disagree.... I think it's a matter of knowing your land. I've raised numerous species of birds here where I live and never had a problem. This is NOT to say I won't in the future. I know my property harbors the parvo virus. I learned this by losing an adult dog to parvo. I believe it's a sensible practice to use the medicated feed in moderation,I haven't simply because (1) it hasn't been needed and (2) I have geese that eat the same feed. I all ways quarantine the new arrivals and watch them closely. I also pay to have them vaccinated prior to shipping. As my flock is growing and the types are getting WAY MORE EXPENSIVE, I will be going the medicated route in the future. Better safe than sorry.
There are so many variables to deal with, I DON'T see how you've managed Jessica. I wake up thinking about things I need to do with the 40 or so that I have now. I can't imagine what it must be like dealing with the numbers that you do. You have my utmost respect and admiration.
I am the one that Never uses medication.

I will try to never use it. That said I am sure I could get something that would change my mind. I try to raise mine drug and medication free. I have used medication on individual birds but never on the whole flock. Most the time when I decide to use medication it is too late for the bird and it dies anyways.

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