First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I don't have any space to keep any as pets, or I would. As it is, I keep pushing the butcher date back. These ones were supposed to go a few days ago.
See I have never jad an issue getting attached. At least not to the meaties. I do get attached to any layers or chicks I hatch but I know what has to be done when there is 15 rooster running with thirty hens. It doesnt work especially when the all gang rape ducks and chickens...
Hubby and I both hated processing day because we were so attached to our little boogers. I'm afraid that we won't get to raise meaties again. Hubby gets almost more attached to our chickens that I do. Of course, we have so many darn chickens now we don't have time for meaties too. Maybe some day when we "retire" to just chicken farming.

Oh and the ducks are here! I'm in love with these fuzzy little cuties!!

The ducklings are adorable. It's on our wish list to build a pond and raise ducks. But, it is probably at least two years out, however. Next up is build a pen for some pigs.

Well, my husband and I put on our game face this morning and there are now 6 chickens resting in the fridge. The hardest part in the whole process for me is making the final decision that, yes, it is going to happen today, and picking them and carrying them to the holding pen near our butchering area. I really enjoy caring for them, plus I feel like such a traitor! Once we get going, it's easier as it is just a matter of focusing on each manual task. It helps that my husband does the hatchet work. Since caring for the chickens is my primary responsibility, he gets less attached. Then, I return the favor when it's time for the meat rabbits. That's not fun either, but I interact very little comparatively with the rabbits. I just keep telling myself that these animals had a good life that they wouldn't have had otherwise. As hard as it is, I am very grateful that I have an option to the commercial, factory "farmed" animal. Having this group for support also helps.
Has anyone raised these birds in a north Texas winter? I see ideal is still shipping and it has me considering. It is still in the 50's during he day here but will drop to freezing tonight. Would they have to spend their whole life in the coop?
@ Holm, when I was younger,I had NO problem slaughtering the animals. As I get older I tend to think of MY mortality,and it causes me to feel bad for them. I still do it,but it's not as easy as it used to be.
Made a 6 hour round trip today,brought home 8 Saipan. Met a gentleman that has been raising birds for 35 years are so.
His knowledge and passion for the birds was truly inspiring. Today ranked as one of the best days I've ever had.
Made a 6 hour round trip today,brought home 8 Saipan. Met a gentleman that has been raising birds for 35 years are so.
His knowledge and passion for the birds was truly inspiring. Today ranked as one of the best days I've ever had.

That's awesome, JR! Glad to hear the trip went well!

- Ant Farm
Made a 6 hour round trip today,brought home 8 Saipan. Met a gentleman that has been raising birds for 35 years are so.
His knowledge and passion for the birds was truly inspiring. Today ranked as one of the best days I've ever had.

Fantastic! Any pictures yet?

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