First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

That's OK,my reason for asking was so that we can better answer your questions. We often (older :() take it for granted that everyone knows what we are talking about. Everyone has had different experiences and we ALL try and contribute. Please continue to ask questions. Sometimes we all learn something new.:)
Hey, I am over 60 and I know all about what the 4H does and got a Adult friend that had been a leader for many years, BUT, BUT I did not know what all the H's stood for until I just looked it up----so don't feel bad!!

I was in 4H for years and outgrew it a couple of years ago. I was in one of the newer generations after the whole 4H controversy. I never understood the whole disagreement, but of course I did most of my projects solo.
BYC rules prevent users from asking the age of minors.

Im all about help'n young folks get started. And I dont figure JR meant to poke anyone in the eye or stir up anything with the question... One thing I cant figure out, is how in the world you'd know she was a minor if you didnt ask her age?

EDIT TO ADD: And Im 55 by the way..... Just didnt want no body to worry about get'n in trouble for ask'n! ;-)
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Oh I said that I'm 19 under. Also I'm not a she

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