First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Yep, I figure if I can buy a section for 40 bucks or less I am ahead and they will not depreciate...

I usually find the 10ft x 10ft x 6ft tall for $100($25 per section)--If it has a little repair needed I pay less and I repair it back to Factory look---no junk looking repair---even if a pipe is rusted/bent/etc I replace it. Did I mention how EASY they are to install--LOL(for the ones that do not know). At 60--I did this section/run in one day---by myself. 10ft x 150ft long divided into 15 breeder pens(I got lucky and found some double doors in several 10ft pieces). I did the netting over the top the next day. Easy!!
You do realize by putting a qualifier on that it sounds ridiculous?

Was not meant to "put a qualifier on". Just stating the facts people, under the chance that they were under age and they did say that they were "uncomfortable". I was not aware of it until I asked someone and an admin messaged me.
Love how people get so offensive.
Ralph I haven't had any 4h as yet. But too date I have given chickens to 3 different young boys who displayed an interest.I believe it is of paramount importance for our youth to be involved in a "farm setting" raising animals
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​Was not meant to "put a qualifier on". Just stating the facts people, under the chance that they were under age and they did say that they were "uncomfortable". I was not aware of it until I asked someone and an admin messaged me.
Love how people get so offensive. :lau
Wasn't being offensive,not on purpose anyway. Didn't see HOW you could know WITHOUT asking. No offense was intended.

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