First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

8"s two more days of it coming
I saw a video on Facebook in Dallas I believe, there were cars up to their windows in water in the middle of the road and some guy in a front end loader had to go out there and dump water on one of them because it was burning and the fire truck couldn't even get to it because of the water....
Cornish Rocks. The name says it all right? Well no, it doesn't. Although it's likely, likely being a keyword, that there is a Cornish and a Rock somewhere in there, they must be suffocating in those breeds. Although White Rock could be plausible, they could use any broad breasted hen that could lay eggs for breeding. And White Cornish are very rare, so it would be difficult for them to really be in the common Cornish Cross. White Cornish are also pretty far in bloodline from other Cornish like the Dark. I've dedicated this thread for people here at BYC with vast knowledge and experience to help figure out how to make a Cornish Cross. Although it will be different from ones from commercial breeders like Ross, Hubbard, Cobb, etc, it will still be a fast growing bird that takes around the time other Cornish Cross grows. People can discuss all they like, but some key information I'm looking for is-
- An experience of someone who bred a standard White Cornish with a standard White Rock (individuals that meet or exceed their breed standards)
- Non-Cornish Cross broilers (fastest growing meat breeds) that could be used in the bloodline
- Anyone who has experiences with breeding Cornish Cross, having them lay fertile eggs and/or fertilizing eggs
- Anyone who knows of components of industrial Cornish Cross
- Anyone who proves me wrong, I might be wrong about all this, and I'd accept it.

PS with figuring out more about the Cornish Cross I have an idea about a rustic broiler
I made a thread dedicated to breeding Cornish Cross here:
I am a little disappointed... All of my CX I bought are cockerels... Was hoping for a pullet or two. Guess this means I will have to do another batch... Darn :D:ya:ya

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