First Saturday lime

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I am contemplating using first Saturday lime in my chickens dust bath foe the mites and Around the coop to keep pests like Flies, rodents, and other creepy crawlers away. Does anyone have any experience using this product? Is it different then regular lime? Does it work?
Thank in advance
I've just looked it up. Basically it sounds like hydrated lime that is safe to handle (hydrated lime is caustic when wet). So that's pretty nifty. Depending on the price difference between first Saturday lime and regular agriculture lime (limestone, not hydrated lime) it sounds like a good product. If it's a lot more expensive I'd just use a larger amount of ag lime for the same effect.
I don't imagine it will keep rodents away, and you should't use it if you use deep litter/deep bedding as it will likely kill the microbes
I don't imagine it will keep rodents away, and you should't use it if you use deep litter/deep bedding as it will likely kill the microbes
Okay np with the rodents as I don't have many problems with them, I clean the coop every week or so that should be fine but what about In the dust bath does it work and is it safe
Okay np with the rodents as I don't have many problems with them, I clean the coop every week or so that should be fine but what about In the dust bath does it work and is it safe
I am not sure. I have been reading about it lately which is why I mentioned those things. it feels like there's been a lot of sponsored content by FSL so it's been on pls minds. Comment above might make sense about agricultural lime
I don't see any real benefit to using it in dust baths, but that is not the reason I use lime. I also don't think that diatomaceous earth serves any real purpose in dust baths either, and there are those that swear by it. I use lime for its effects on odor and because calcium is very low in chicken poop I like to add that calcium back in as ultimately it's all going to my garden.
Dust baths are pretty effective just from the soil itself. I sometimes throw cold fireplace ash out into my run, no idea if it helps but it's free.
I've been doing my research on this product myself. I have dogs and planning on chickens and want to have the most effective arsenal at my disposal. First Saturday Lime is not a pesticide. It's a repellent, so it sends insects in the other direction. DE actually kills insects. However, DE stops working when wet. FSL is effective in treating algae (you can put it in water bowls, troughs, etc., but if you sprinkle it in the grass to combat a flea problem, it's going to eventually absorb into the soil. I've watched a few "miraculous" videos of people sprinkling it and within 5 minutes "noseeums" are gone, etc. But I think they're liable to return if you don't have the place covered in the white snow of this product.

Here is what I think is a fair review: Lime notes,them out of specific areas.

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