I think people are used to going to the existing emu thread  - I think  it was started by an Aussie gentleman that studies them in the wild.  Maybe if you just post on their to mention this new thread, you will get some joiners.
Yeah, I should have done that. It was just for the emu eggs hatching though. So now that it's over, I don't have much to post.
So you basically have to wait until it's hatched to see if it's fertile?
Well, on the 30th day of incubation you can whistle at the egg. and if the egg wiggles and wobble. It's fertile. IF, not. wait another 5 day. then try again. some times an emu chick never wiggles but still hatches. IT's all sort of tricky.
I'm going to attempt hatching again, what is the best temperature? 95.5 or 97.5? I really miss my Pumbaa and I hope at least 2 of these will hatch, if not I will have to wait for next year because I guess breeding season is almost over for everyone.
I'm going to attempt hatching again, what is the best temperature? 95.5 or 97.5? I really miss my Pumbaa and I hope at least 2 of these will hatch, if not I will have to wait for next year because I guess breeding season is almost over for everyone.
Wow, I'm even impressed you got those eggs so late in the season. I had my eggs at the middle of that at an average of 96.5 and all my eggs hatched so I guess it was a good temp lol.
I'm going to attempt hatching again, what is the best temperature? 95.5 or 97.5? I really miss my Pumbaa and I hope at least 2 of these will hatch, if not I will have to wait for next year because I guess breeding season is almost over for everyone.
Good luck! Your sure to get at least 2 out of those eggs : ) next year I'm going to get more emu eggs of a deferent blood line so I'll have mates for the ones I have now.
I'm going to attempt hatching again, what is the best temperature? 95.5 or 97.5? I really miss my Pumbaa and I hope at least 2 of these will hatch, if not I will have to wait for next year because I guess breeding season is almost over for everyone.

good luck!! man I wish my bator could hold emu eggs, but its not tall enough and I would only be able to hold like one!!

so what do you do with all the emus you hatch out?? do you sell emus or just have a whole heap running around??
good luck!! man I wish my bator could hold emu eggs, but its not tall enough and I would only be able to hold like one!!

so what do you do with all the emus you hatch out?? do you sell emus or just have a whole heap running around??

On that topic, besides that they are stupidly cute and cuddly looking, how do you get a return on your investment with them? Selling the feathers, eggs, egg shells, meat? *ever curious*

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