First time broody!!!???


Mar 31, 2010
Southern Illinois
My girls are all over one year old. I've never had any go broody, even though some are BO's which are suppose to be. Well, I've had one BO sitting on eggs for a few days now. I have four nesting boxes, and usually all of them lay in just one. Well this girl is now broody and they're force to use another nest box. Not necessarily a bad thing. So, being a first timer I have a few questions.

1. Do i need to do anything special?
2. Should I move her to count the actual eggs in her nest?
3. I have a RIR Rooster, and she's probably on eggs from BR, RSL, and BO. So, I guess they'll all be mutts.
4. Will she leave for food/water, or should I locate some close to her.

Thanks for your help.
From what I've read:1 seperate her from the others(move her at night)2 when she's refreshing herself.4Yes, she will leave for it.
I agree with what the above poster said on everything but #4.

I have one that won't get up, ever, by herself. I have to pull her off the nest and put her outside every day. I could do it every other day but what the heck, this way she's better off and I don't have to remember if I did it yesterday or not.

Usually they will get up by themselves but check her and be sure she does. I smoothed down the top of the food to see if she was eating any and it stayed smooth. My other broody got up, but this one is just glued down I think.

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