one of my barred rocks became broody about 6 days ago and and i wanted to know would she be able to hatch any eggs i put under her 4 days into this behaver or would she give up before their done incubating?
I don't think there is any way to tell if a broody will stick it out for the full 21 days. I just had 3 first time broodies sit on the same nest and hatch out 9 chicks, I gave them 3 more chicks for a total of 12. It is really funny to see the 3 mothering together.
If the eggs you want her to hatch are really important you might want to have a backup incubator available just in case.
There is a chance of failure, and there is a good chance of success, and IMHO it is the only way to raise chicks! I will never go back.
If you have a small nest, or a hen with a good Broody attitude, so that other hens do not lay in her nest, mine layers tiptoe past my broody hen, and try not to look at her for fear of upsetting her.
you can leave her where she is.
If you want to move her, move her first putting her on golf balls to see if she will stick for a day or two, while you round up some eggs. Then at night, in the dark, slip the eggs under her.
The real thing is you want to put all the eggs under her at the same time. So they all hatch at the same time, and then call your feed store and see if you can get some more chicks at that 21 day hatch date, in case the eggs don't hatch.
then call your feed store and see if you can get some more chicks at that 21 day hatch date, in case the eggs don't hatch.
I am on day 5. It is the longest 21 days ever!
good idea if the eggs don't hatch at the 21 day marker ill buy some chicks to slip under her ,but if she dose manage to hatch some chicks ill make sure to send you picture of them
I also suggest marking the eggs you want her to hatch as I had other hens laying in the same nest up to a few days before the chicks hatched. I just made a mark on one end with a sharpie marker and checked the nest several times a day and removed all other eggs. My broodies allow me to check some do not. If you have her separated in a broody pen you won't need to do this.
I tried to get some other eggs, but ended up just hatching my own, I have 9 eggs under her, another chicken lady told be you get better hatch rates with odd number of eggs, probably crazy.....but
I have 2 easter eggers, a buff orpington, (she is my broody hen) 3 red stars, just coming out of molt, and a white hen (questionable heritage, I think white rock) However, I did call the feed store, and they are getting in chicks on the Friday before my hatch, soooo, I am pretty sure she will take all the new chicks, she was a fantastic mother last year, but they will be a few days different in age, which does have me a little worried. But I do want some other breeds. we will see. I won't give her the hatchery chicks until her chicks are hatched. Is 5 days a big difference?
June 7 is my hatch date, but sometimes broody hens will start hatching on day 20. MK