First time Chicken owner - just got my chicks.

Chicken math gets real messy when you have an incubator.

& a TSC.
whooo hooo hubby let me get my little bantam chicks for Valentines day ! I think they are cochins by the fuzzy pink legs ( 4 toes on each footie)

I am SOOOO happy... they are so tiny and sweet :) at the same time I can't wait to see what they will look like as they get older and to see their little personalities develop :) ~ happy chicken mommy
Congrats!!:) i agree with others on chicken math, had 15 shipped the 6th of this month and tonight got 6 more,so now 21 :) now i have two brooders lol
Hi, welcome to BYC. Your chicks are adorable. My babies are scheduled for delivery Feb 29, some from Meyer and some from Ideal. I agree with the other posters lol chickens are addicting. I started out only going to get 8 hens and 1 rooster, now i am expecting 8 hens, 1 rooster to keep, 8 meat birds, plus 8 silkies for fun. We will then let them breed and have babies. I went from having a small coop to fit my 8 hens to now almost doubling the chicken run and adding another 8'x8' onto the coop. I am also adding a seprate coop for the meat birds lol. I just picked up 150 ft of fencing yestarday.
NOOOOO! dont order from ideal! i ahve gotten 2 boxes of 50 chicks from them! one had only 5 chicks alive and i revived 9 others and then i got replacments and they came D.O.A! Im just warning u cuz i dont think any one neads that right now! the box was in horrible condition to and they had tapped the air holes so the chicks couldnt breath! it was horrible
I just got a shipment in from Ideal. 23 chicks. Only lost 2. Box was in fine condition, chicks were all in fine condition. Some loses are to be expected, unfortunately.
NOOOOO! dont order from ideal! i ahve gotten 2 boxes of 50 chicks from them! one had only 5 chicks alive and i revived 9 others and then i got replacments and they came D.O.A! Im just warning u cuz i dont think any one neads that right now! the box was in horrible condition to and they had tapped the air holes so the chicks couldnt breath! it was horrible
Sounds like it was USPS at fault especially if the box was in a horrible condition.Can't realy blame Ideal if USPS miss handles the box.
Chicken math is kicking the snot out of us, too! We started planning on 6 hens, then decided... those Columbian Wyandottes sure are pretty. Maybe 8. Then we decided to get a rooster, so round up to ten. Then we thought, maybe it would be best to order ourselves, and some are sure to die, so 25 would be okay. A free exotic chick? Make it 26! (Due Tuesday!) We can sell some of the extra pullets. But 18 days was too long to wait, so we got four sweet EE babies from our feed store. Then we went to TSC, just to "see what they had" and ended up with two ducklings. But what if one dies?! We're going back Wednesday to get one or two more. And if they have bantams I don't think I'll be able to walk away without some a second time. Then of course daughter just joined 4H, and she'll need show quality birds. She wants silkies because they "look like they're from Russia!" (she's six). And wouldn't it be fun to hatch them ourselves? So that's in the works for later this year... hmm. We haven't even built one coop yet and already we need another! Not to mention we have had a problem with ticks and are afraid it will get worse, it's our first year here, and if that happens we'll probably get a flock of guineas. Better than lyme disease, right?

Chicken math.
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Haha derling you sound like me. My husband has called me addicted.was suppose to have the 15:then rual king had a replenishment of breeds i was intrested in to,so 2 americanas,2 buff orps,and 2 light brahmas later my flock count is..21 :)
Wewewe started out wanting 6 then one needed a home(a white Leghorn) of course she needed a friend.(a Silver laced wyandotte ) Then we went to tsc and got 6(4 production reds 2 ?s I'm guessing will be Leghorns and one light brahma ) I had to have ees so three more chicks later(2 ee's and a dominque ) we're up to 12 of course I really want some marans and a Millie Fleur deuccle and I don't even have a b.o.!
reading about all this chicken math... now I have 9... added a couple RIR... then hubby took me to a livestock auction ( I warned him I would come home with chicks but he took me anyway) and now I think my little ones are EE's. my bantam cochins are looking like awkward teen chickens now... pic 1 is my 10 year old chihuahua with them

me and the 2 newest chickies... EE's I think?

this one is named Sassy... she likes to snuggle

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