First time hatching chicks and need your help with sex & breed quesses, PLEASE!


Jul 24, 2018
Mid-Ohio Valley
Hi chicken friends!! We here are Bamburgh Farms are SUPER excited!! We have successfully hatched our first chicks in our incubator that we traded a rooster for! Lol Out of 12 viable eggs at lockdown, we have 6 happy healthy 3 week old chicks! 4 are EE chicks and 2 are from brown eggs (we think) The brown eggs could be from: RIR, Golden Laced Wyandotte or Black Star hens and we would love to know who is who but we don’t because we are chicken newbies and they are all mixed with Cochin (our rooster was a Cochin) and the internet isn’t helpful! Lol So, guesses as to breed and ESPECIALLY sex are super duper appreciated!! Again, newbs here lol, but I think two are roosters and four are hens, what do y’all think?? Thanks in advance for your help! :)
I see one obvious cockerel too...the ones that don't have single combs are probably the GLW's babies because she woould be the only one with a rosecomb and that trait is dominant..that black n white one should definitely be hers if the parents are pure.
This isnt easy at all, and can be damaging to the chicks unless you've been trained to do it. This is for professionals, not newbies.
Also, wing sexing only works on specific hybrids. (sex links)

Agree with the comments on vent sexing - entirely too dangerous to be done by home chicken keepers, and these chicks are too old anyway. Besides, even experts can't always tell by vent sexing because there are variations within the anatomy.

Wing sexing isn't necessary on sex links....they are different appearing at hatch (girls have a coppery brown or buff coloring to them and boys are yellow) so they live up to their label.
Agree with the comments on vent sexing - entirely too dangerous to be done by home chicken keepers, and these chicks are too old anyway. Besides, even experts can't always tell by vent sexing because there are variations within the anatomy.

Wing sexing isn't necessary on sex links....they are different appearing at hatch (girls have a coppery brown or buff coloring to them and boys are yellow) so they live up to their label.
Some sex links are different colors at hatch, like Black and Red sex links. But others are specifically bred to be feather sexable at hatch. (they aren't different colors at hatch) these are produced using a slow feathering Female and a fast feathering male.
Some sex links are different colors at hatch, like Black and Red sex links. But others are specifically bred to be feather sexable at hatch. (they aren't different colors at hatch) these are produced using a slow feathering Female and a fast feathering male.
Very true. But every time that little fact goes out, people automatically assume that all chicks can be wing, or feather, sexed, which they can't, and I just prefer not to even go there in the first place! :lau

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