Hi chicken friends!! We here are Bamburgh Farms are SUPER excited!! We have successfully hatched our first chicks in our incubator that we traded a rooster for! Lol Out of 12 viable eggs at lockdown, we have 6 happy healthy 3 week old chicks! 4 are EE chicks and 2 are from brown eggs (we think) The brown eggs could be from: RIR, Golden Laced Wyandotte or Black Star hens and we would love to know who is who but we don’t because we are chicken newbies and they are all mixed with Cochin (our rooster was a Cochin) and the internet isn’t helpful! Lol So, guesses as to breed and ESPECIALLY sex are super duper appreciated!! Again, newbs here lol, but I think two are roosters and four are hens, what do y’all think?? Thanks in advance for your help!