First time hatching eggs!!


8 Years
May 18, 2011
I have my first batch of eggs in the incubator and scheduled to go on lock down in 2 days at which time I am planning to candle and toss any that are not growing. Is it OK to leave them if I am not sure? I have read horror stories of eggs exploding and contaminating the others. Any thoughts and advise would be great
Welcome to BackYard Chickens crazyeggs!

Yes, you can leave any you are not sure about.
Eggs generally will not

get to the 'Explosive' point with-in 21 days. I have had one egg

explode in my incubator before, and it was around day 27-28.

Good luck!
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Thanks:) I have 2 or three I am sure are going good but others that I believe have stopped. I hate to toss being my first go around.
I have a total of 21. 9 going on lockdown in 2 days in one incubator and the other 12 in a homemade incubator going in lock down in 4 days. The second batch has maybe one that is not growing while the rest look great.
lock them all down.... I made the terrible mistake of tossing aside an egg I swore had no movement. when I broke it open it was gasping for air. that was day 17. I will never toss again until day 23 or so.
Thanks for your advice.
I am going to just leave them all and see. I can't wait to see what I get. I have a mix flock of Hens, 2 Barred Rock, a New Hampshire Red, a Rhode Island Red and a white leghorn in with a Speckled Sussex Rooster.
I am in lockdown now on one incubator and I ended up candling and tossing the ones that were iffy. It left me with only 2 eggs one I know for sure and the other I am about 80%. I did open up the others and they had all quit early on:(
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