First time hatching quail 12 pipped'sbeen 12-24 hours


Fancy Banties
11 Years
May 8, 2008
Sharpsburg, MD.
Humidity is at like 70%+ temps are at like 100-101 ..They started pipping last night. I've seen a little progress. I pulled a couple out and candled and heard faint chirping and lots of movement
Slow pokes huh? I wouldnt worry too much sometimes they're like that. humidity is good temp could be a tad cooler, say 98.5- 99.5 but its not a big deal with coturnix. Its not uncommon for them to pip and take a bit of time off and then zip a day later. Watch them closely. if they have pipped all the way through the shell and have an opening then they may get "shrink wrapped" which is where the egg membranes dry out and effectively shrink wrap the chick who either suffocates from the ever tightening shrinking membrane, or gets hopelessly stuck and dried out and cannot escape the egg (glued in if you will...) Both conditions are very easily possible if using a forced air incubator. Otherwise maintain your humidity and get comfy... this may take a while.
Thanks. I got a little anxious and busted one open and it looks like a little yolk is still there. I got so worried because Im so used to my bantams busting out of there a couple hours after pip. I kept it in the shell and sitting on a warm, damp paper towel in the bator and will head to bed.

Thanks! The little guy is chirping and healthy so I think it'll be fine.
Yep, temps need to be lower for them to hatch easier, typically a full degree lower than for incubation. Don't toss any until at least 3 days after they start hatching, some colors/lines hatch sooner or later than others. Often the whites will hatch around 16 days, the jumbo browns can go to 21 before they start.
I cranked down the temps and am keeping a close eye on humidity. This morning the one little guy I opened up had his bottom glued to the shell so I ran it under warm water and it popped off with a little help from his kicking. That thing has some powerful legs!!! more so than my bantams. It is now hopping around the incubator

If I don't get some more action by this afternoon, Im gonna start crackin. I feel dumb about the temps but, lesson is learned
Yes, try to resist! That is always my downfall. I am going to hatch my quails out of the coolerbator this time, I'm going to remove them from the brinsea as no matter what I do to stop the air blowing down on them it seems to dry them out too much. I can unplug the fan but keep the lightbulb going on, they are separate. good luck with your hatch!
Ok. so, they never progressed. I waited til the next morning and opened them up.. the membrane around them was fine but the outer membrane.. under the shell was so tough and rubbery. I could hardly tear it! I opened them so their heads could come out and stretch and left them in the bator for a half day to dry out the veins. I then opened them the rest of the way and everyone was doing great except the first chick I opened up the night before who was hopping around like crazy a few hours before. This one was laying on its side unable to hold up its head. I let it go overnight and when I peeked in the brooder this morning it still couldn't hold up its head and was laying on its side panicking and kicking its legs. I culled it and was at least happy I have the rest .... well
I just peeked in there again and 5 more are doing the same thing! It's almost like their heads are too heavy? maybe in the shell too long? too high of temps? ..all bummed out. Im letting them go for another night and see whats up tomorrow.

I also heard from someone else about quail simultaneously hatching? that they give out a silent call to encourage eachother?

I will give it another try ...will just be much more vigilant about knowing what day they are due and keepin lower temps for hatch time.
They don't always hatch at the same time, I've had hatches take 5 days from the same set of eggs. Are they still in the incubator? Quail chicks need food and water a lot sooner than chicken chicks do. If they don't have food and water available, that might be causing their behavior.
Thank you so much for your quick response. That was the problem. I mixed some crumbles up with some warm water and a teeny tiny bit of vit/electrolytes and they are looking much better.. ...keep ya posted

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