First time hatching

Oh okay. I will check and see if there is. Also, she came from a white egg, my the chickens that lay are welsummers, black sex links, and a buff Orpington. Do you think she's the buffs? All of those chickens should lay brown eggs, so I'm not sure whose laying the white ones.
Oh okay. I will check and see if there is. Also, she came from a white egg, my the chickens that lay are welsummers, black sex links, and a buff Orpington. Do you think she's the buffs? All of those chickens should lay brown eggs, so I'm not sure whose laying the white ones.
My expertise stop at egg I can tell you what lays blue and green and Spitz and leghorns are white, much more than that, I'm A good share of my flock are mixes, so I never know what I am going to
Okay! Lol I'll figure it out. And the other eggs, I can't see an internal pip, but the air cells are sideways and jagged, but still no movement
Okay! Lol I'll figure it out. And the other eggs, I can't see an internal pip, but the air cells are sideways and jagged, but still no movement
It doesn't sound to confident that they will make it, if they had any chance of surviving Id really carefully open the egg up where the air cell is, but if you see any bleeding wrap a warm damp towel and put them back in the incubator. If you dont see any bleeding carefully (and i mean carefully) go through the opening and open up the sack, tap the outside of the shell and listen for any chirping (Who knows you might get lucky) if you here some then put it back in the bator and see what happens. But if not, its probably a quitter, and you might want to dispose of it, if you are curious you can open it up and see what happened to the little guy, but at this late death it might be hard to do so.
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@CherriesBrood so open the air cell and then the membrane?

Yes first crack the end of the egg where the air cell is and then go in through the membrane. But remember be really careful and make sure if you see bleeding to wrap it up in a warm damp towel and put them back in the bator
[@=/u/326923/CherriesBrood]@CherriesBrood[/@] Okay! I may try that with the one that hasn't moved in a couple days, what would I use to open it?

I use a pen tip to poke a tiny hole by tapping with the tip lightly.

No I wouldn't, because if it's still alive that can give it ink poisoning and kill it, I'd use a small sharp knife and do it really carefully.

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