First Time Incubating Duck Eggs


Mar 21, 2019
Hello! My neighbor brought over his “little” collection of duck and chicken eggs and I, somehow, now have over three dozen duck eggs. I’ve never incubated duck eggs before and I’m reading up on it like a crazy person. So, higher humidity, longer incubation period, and bringing them out to cool down multiple times a day. Am I missing anything? Any tips or advice? Which breeds lay blue and green eggs, which breeds lay brown eggs? Sorry for the dumb questions, just want to get it right for these little guys!


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Hello! My neighbor brought over his “little” collection of duck and chicken eggs and I, somehow, now have over three dozen duck eggs. I’ve never incubated duck eggs before and I’m reading up on it like a crazy person. So, higher humidity, longer incubation period, and bringing them out to cool down multiple times a day. Am I missing anything? Any tips or advice? Which breeds lay blue and green eggs, which breeds lay brown eggs? Sorry for the dumb questions, just want to get it right for these little guys!
I know Chocolate Runners lay blue eggs and some Call Ducks do too! For days 1-7 they need to be turned 3 times every day and the incubator should be at 99.5° and 50-55% humidity. You don’t take them out due the first week but on days 8-25 you take them out and cool them for 15 minutes daily and mist them with warm water before putting them back! Days 26-28 are lockdown days so the humidity should be bumped up to 70-75% and they should pip on days 27-28! Oh hatch day if you can, lower the temperature to 98.5°! Good luck!! ☺❤
I know Chocolate Runners lay blue eggs and some Call Ducks do too! For days 1-7 they need to be turned 3 times every day and the incubator should be at 99.5° and 50-55% humidity. You don’t take them out due the first week but on days 8-25 you take them out and cool them for 15 minutes daily and mist them with warm water before putting them back! Days 26-28 are lockdown days so the humidity should be bumped up to 70-75% and they should pip on days 27-28! Oh hatch day if you can, lower the temperature to 98.5°! Good luck!! ☺❤
Thank you so much!!
I hatch my ducks the same way I do chickens. 40-45% humidity temp 99.5-100 and if hand turning them 4 times a day. One difference ducks eggs are more temperamental especially at the beginning. I don't even candle for growth until day 8 or 9. So don't mess with them too much. As for the cool down thing. I never done it and had very successful hatches. I have read about it and it sounds interesting. It is true that mom will leave the nest. Last year I watched one of my broody muscovies. She would get off the nest every day around 9am, never saw her other than that time but it was like clockwork. She would eat, drink, swim. Then spend 20 min preening. First time I saw her do it I was worried she left the nest but nope she let out a cheep then rushed to the eggs. Every day about that time I would see her preening away. I had always had the impression ducks swim then hop on the nest but she kept it very dry. In fact with the same nest I took 5 eggs out 6 days before hatch. I had read about finishing the incubation so you dont have babies running around everywhere. Well I was shocked on how large the air cell was. A lot of humidity had escaped while under mom. The 5 I took as well as the 5 I left all hatched well and on time. Good luck with your ducks!

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