first time incubating, getting worried


11 Years
Sep 28, 2012
SE Michigan
Ok we set eggs on the evening of the tenth, we were seeing movement and hearing tapping sounds yesterday (30th) and the evening before, now it's day 21 and there's nothing. No movement, no tapping or anything. Should we be concerned?
I set eggs on the 21st and they are now 10 days old. I cannot see any veins or dark spots
What kind of eggs did you set? Are they darker or lighter in color. Some darker eggs can be hard to candle and you may have to just wait it out or try using two lights!

Ok we set eggs on the evening of the tenth, we were seeing movement and hearing tapping sounds yesterday (30th) and the evening before, now it's day 21 and there's nothing. No movement, no tapping or anything. Should we be concerned?
Just sit back and wait patiently. Hatching takes time and all you can do it wait. Some eggs take up to 25 days to hatch. I would at least wait another day before beginning to worry too much. Be sure to check in tomorrow and tell us how it is going!
Thanks for the encouragement JanO and PoultryProduce, that's what we keep telling ourselves. Easier said then done though lol
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