When I was a child I use to think it was wrong to kill any animal, then I went through the stage where it is wrong to kill any animal for any other purpose than meat. Well at the ripe ol age of 23 I still hold to this statement, but I have learned so much over the last few years as I mature more (finally). The last few years I have been wanting to learn to "Survive" or at least let my self know I will be able to make it. Cause in my opinion I do believe a day will come when only the Rich and famous will be able to afford all the stuff that some people take advantage of such as electricity, cable, internet, gas, grocery store food, etc. as prices of these items are already out the roof and unemployment just keeps getting higher. But back to Chicken business.. I have had chickens all my life. They have always been a passion of mine. So Feb. 14, 2011 I ordered my first batch of Cornish x. I have done so much research on the "breed" and have learned so much about them. But it still makes me a nervous wreck because of all the horror stories I have heard from some people but on another note there has been some great stories as well. On Wednesday Feb. 16, 2011 at welp hatchery 26 gorgeous cornish x chicks were born and that friday morning they ended up at my front door. (yes my post man delivers them to my house. I guess he is just use to me having 100 chicks come a year and trying to help me save gas, Idk). I got these chicks in the brooder and all 26 of them are huge and doing great. They was already double the size of my Norwegian Jaerhons that I hatched a week before. Well it has been almost 2 weeks now and I can not believe how fast these little guys grow. But I must say, I can not wait til they go outside, cleaning there tubes every day is kinda getting old. But that is part of ordering chicks in winter still (stupid me). Well as I stated this is my first ttime with the meaties and lordy am I a nervous wreck. I hope everything goes well with all of them. I have never even ate "home grown" chicken people. Even after 23 years of keeping chickens. well I don't think I have anyways. Knowing my dad god only knows what I have really ate in my life. But this thread is where I hope to keep everyone updated on my progess and hope to get as much help with this little huge fluff balls until the day I can have me a nice BIG bowl of chicken n dumplin's. Us southern guys love those things. Well I do any ways. Any advice you wanna give would be great. Happy Chickens ya'll.
One of my chicks at one week and 3 days.
One of my chicks at one week and 3 days.
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