First time one of my hens are not walking

Hmmm, I'm not very good at determining gender, but I might have to say pullet. You could try posting a few pictures on the What Brees Or Gender Is This forum. As for the not walking, I really don't know. It's odd that she would go lame like that. Lemme get back to you on it.
Hmmm, I'm not very good at determining gender, but I might have to say pullet. You could try posting a few pictures on the What Brees Or Gender Is This forum. As for the not walking, I really don't know. It's odd that she would go lame like that. Lemme get back to you on it.
Sure! Thank you for your help so far. I’ve never had any of these issues with any of my other hens in the previous years. This is all a new chicks.
Hi just an update. I bought the nutri drench for poultry and she was eating and drinking after I gave it to her. But she still isn’t walking . I did find out I had 2 roosters in my flock . I had to return them back to the farm because in my town we aren’t allowed to have roosters. But I’m starting to think maybe this one is a rooster too? My other Easter egger that is a hen looks very different .
She's still not walking, but able to stand?

Giving some human B complex vitamins 1/2 tablet daily in food would be something to try for a couple of weeks.
I would get the B-Complex as suggested. While PND is good for quick pick me ups, it does not contain B2(Riboflavin) which can be helpful for leg issues.
Hi this picture was taken 2-3 weeks ago when she was walking. Now she just sits around today she actually tried to get up. But sits right back down. I’ve been doing the nutri drench and not sure what else to do .

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