First Time Questions!


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2017
Hey guys! This is my very first post and I have a couple questions! I have a hovabator 1588 and Friday was day 21. Out of 30 eggs, 1 pipped yesterday morning and finally is out of its shell. The other 29 show no activity! Any advice?
Hi CM, Welcome to BYC! I have not used that incubator, but I have been incubating for the last two years. It's hard to give advice without more information, but I would wait another 24 hours and see if more pip. When did you last candle the eggs?
I candled them on day 18 which would have been Tuesday of last week! I started with 35 and 5 looked clear and undeveloped but the other 30 looked dark, had veins and an air sac!
Okay then, just be patient. If nothing else pips after 24 hours, I would take the one chick out and candle at least some of the eggs looking for internal pips or movement.
There are so many variables with incubating; things that could go wrong. It has happened. I once had a temperature spike that killed everything. I've had chicks that were fully developed but died in the shell just before hatching. Were these shipped eggs?
These eggs partly came from my flock, and a neighbors flock! One thing I did have trouble with this round was my humidity the first 18 days. It's my understanding you want to run between 45-55% and the last 3 days run 55-65%. Some of my first days I had higher humidity than called for.
Yes, humidity can cause problems; it is such a pain! How do those hens do it? I just had three broodie hens hatch clutches; 28 out of 30 eggs hatched! So much easier! But I had a bunch of eggs I wanted to hatch so here we go again with the incubator. Sometimes you can figure out what causes a low hatch rate, but many times you never know. I hope you have lots more hatch!:fl

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