First time with a broody mama and babies , question !


May 3, 2021
My broody lady hatched two of her 6 eggs she has been sitting on (others are still viable according to candling) she's been in my garage the whole time in a big crate . Up until the first two hatched I had been taking her outside in the evening to stretch and poop (she won't in the crate ) . Do I still take her out ? She hasn't pooped since day before yesterday . If I do take her out what about the chicks ? Do they go too or do they stay behind ? Or do I just leave her be ?
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If she were my broody and the weather is warm where you are, I would give her the option of getting out to stretch her legs a bit, with her chicks, under close supervision the whole time. If she doesn't want to go out, leave her be. Her broody poop will be epic.
If she were my broody and the weather is warm where you are, I would give her the option of getting out to stretch her legs a bit, with her chicks, under close supervision the whole time. If she doesn't want to go out, leave her be. Her broody poop will be epic.
They have been toxic ! It's 72F here today too.

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